• On the Upgrade Page I see information on:

    Upgrade to

    but I see nothing on how to upgrade from 1.5 to and I can not find the older upgrades that come between these versions so I can do them one at a time. Anyone have any advice.

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  • Macmanx: Thanks for those references. I’ll try Shaky’s patch since I’m upgrading fr. t0 I think that should be easier than doing a full upgrade installation. I’ll be brave, I’ll be bold, I’ll bite the bullet (& hope the bullet doesn’t bit me back!).

    Lorelle: Thanks for your comprehensive reply which lays out a lot of good points. Yes, I’ve learned immense amts. about WP & other technical issues surrounding my new blog through the entire process of basic & plugin installation. I’m sure that in 6 mos. or a yr. after I have more of this technical stuff under my belt I’ll be wiser, more experienced & more confident in knowing my way around.

    When I first started using Firefox, the upgrades & extensions & bugs were intimidating & frustrating. Now, I feel much more confident (& perhaps they’ve taken some of the bugginess out of the software in the past 2 yrs. or so). I expect some of that will happen to me w. WP as well.

    It may appear that I’m asking for a lot of handholding. I’m really trying to fend for myself and fix as many problems & bugs as I can both on my own & through reading this forum & other resources. And don’t think I take Carthik’s help (or any volunteer’s help given here) for granted in any way. There are some issues though that simply surpass my 8 wk. old level of experience w. WP.

    But with all that–let’s keep learning. I’m not giving up on my own ability to master this thing yet nor am I giving up on WP despite some level of frustration with it at times.

    Simple Question: At the bottom of my WP Dashboard it reads “Word Press 1.5”. Does this mean 1.5 , it might it mean 1.5.1 ? Put another way, how do I look and see what edition I am running?

    It shows the full number there
    Up to date is

    Therefore, if it shows 1.5 , I must first upgrade to 1.5.1.
    Then, can I go straight up to the lastest editon? Or, must I make other local stops along the way?

    You can go straight to

    Finally, I have looked but can’t find the upgrade 1.5 >1.5.1 . Can you point me there?

    You mean a guide ?
    Or certain files ?

    A download of files. There is a support entry here on upgrading from 1.5 > 1.5.1 which says in part:
    1. BACKUP your database
    2. Download 1.5.1. Unzip it.
    3. Open the unzipped folder …
    My question is: Where is this “1.5.1” that I need to unzip?

    Oh… that must be an old entry.

    From the link at the very top of the page, click Download and get the file there.

    “The” page? Which page? It’s not this page. Nor is it the download page which provides a 1.5.1 > 1.5.3 upgrade.

    Moderator James Huff


    To upgrade from v1.5.x to the current release, follow the instructions here: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Upgrading_WordPress#Overview

    Okay. I have been to that file/instructions. I must have misread them. I thought that that download was good for 1.5.1 > 1.5.3 . I assume now from your directions above that this download will take me straight from 1.5.0 to 1.5.3 — one upgrade, using one upgrade download. Correct?

    Moderator James Huff



    I just upgraded from 1.5 to
    I followed the instructions : deactivated the pugins, deleted all files, uploaded the new ones… I ran “wp-upgrade.php” and… nothing ! I just had the upgrade page step 1 but no page told me that the upgrade was done. Although it seems that everything is working. I reactivated the plugins, made the changes (locale, vars, plugins adjustments for antispam etc.), and my blog seems to be in But is it normal ? Running wp-ugrade.php was not necessary then ? I’m a bit lost…

    Besides, now the only concern I have is about “Options/Discussion”. It seems that all comments are going to the moderation queue, but I did not check the option (Comment author must have a previously approved comment). It’s like the action i’m taking here is not relevant in the system ?

    Help. ??

    Every single comment goes in moderation queue. I cannot do anything aggainst… (even accepting for one author is not preventing from moderating the next comment of the same bloke)

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