As the developer of this plugin, I have to disagree with you.
This plugin is NOT targeted at developers (trust me, I’m a developer). Just read through the support threat and see how many people are not developers. Also, plugins targeted at developers don’t get 8,000+ downloads.
I can bet you whatever you want that this is probably one of the easiest slideshow plugins to install and configure. Actually, you don’t even have to configure it, because once you install it it AUTOMATICALLY converts all your existing galleries through the WordPress’ default galleries. You don’t need to be a developer or know any sort of plugin in order to user WordPress, add galleries or use my plugin. That’s what it’s for.
That being said, WordPress DOES take time to learn. It’s definitely the easiest CMS in the world, but it’s still requires some effort to understand, as with everything else in life. If you want to customize it, make it behave a certain way, or are not particularly good with technical stuff (hey, it happens) then I’d recommend getting a professional web developer. That’s why they exist.
I marked this topic as ‘not a support question’ because it looks more like a rant than a question, and as such it’s not valuable to the community. That being said, if you DO want some help and have a question, I’d be more than happy to help you. If you do decide to ask for help, please include a url of your site, with the plugin installed and outline all the ways in which you have trie to fix this problem.
Some commons way to troubleshoot your themes and plugins:
1. Deactivate all your plugins and see if it works.
2. Change your theme and see if works.
3. Test in another browser to see if works.
4. If possible, try to test the same condition on another site to see if you can ‘replicate’ the problem.