I was just trying to remember how I did this a few months ago. I did a Google search and at the site:
this is basically what is there (I guess you can skip the first four steps):
If you do not know what a favicon is; it is the little picture beside the URL of a blog.
Some say that having a favicon is like putting on cosmetics. This is only partly true. More importantly, having a favicon on your blog allows the visitors to quickly identify your site in their Favorite folder among the other bookmarked site.
If you do not have a favicon currently and you are interested to, here’s how to can do it.
1. First, you will need an image. Any image will do provided that it is royalty-free and not copyrighted (meaning, you cannot use Coca-Cola’s corporate logo as you favicon).
2. Go to Chami.com’s Favicon Tool page:
3. Upload you image by clicking the “Browse” button and click “Generate Favicon”
4. After Chami’s tool completed the generation, you will be presented with the link to download you favicon. Click the download link and save the favicon on your computer. (You can also test your favicon by clicking on the “Test in Browser”
5. Unzip the contents you have just downloaded and upload the favicon to your webhost (”public_html” folder, for most of you).
6. You will now need to edit your header.php of your wordpress blog. Depending on the theme you use, locate the header.php folder and edit the file by adding the following code:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
7. Save your header.php file
8. Hard refresh your browser by pressing the Ctrl+F5 keys. You should now be able to see your favicon next to your URL.
Hope this helps.
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