Currently you can only use the hours
attribute for adding and subtracting hours if you want to display a time that is different from the one of your WordPresss settings timezone. However it is a fixed time i.e. your curent time, the time in New York, London or Tokyo.
Unfortunately there is still no plugin feature that changes the timezone according to the user’s location. It is planned for the Pro edition and will use external IP-database. However the recognition of the location cannot be 100% correct so it will work but cannot be absolutely trusted. That is why we will also need to implement the ability to switch the timezone manually by clicking on an icon near the displayed date and time.
Please follow our Facebook page and check the plugin page from time to time to see if we have released the Pro edition if you are interested. It was delayed due to re-work of our framework and the need of quality assurance and testing before release. Nevertheless we are on the way to release it some day in the near future… ??
I’m closing the thread as resolved. If you need you may reopen it, open a new one, or contact us by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
Thank you for trying and using our plugin.