• Hi all,
    Im trying to master wp.
    Some1 is customizing a theme I bought online and I am seeing many interesting plugins and widgets I want to put on the site.
    BTW, its a fashion and beauty magazine site.

    One of such widgets I want to put is here and I need it to be on the sidebar. For now, I want to know how to use the embed code that widgetbox generates for me – where and how do I place it ?

    BUT most of all, I need some1 that can build such sidebar widget for me, as I dont know how to do that .

    I have other interesting plugins and widget ideas I have which I would also love to have some1 customize, and I guess it wount be too hard as I have seen the resources to do them or seen them in bits and pieces as other utilities.

    Pls reply if you can assist me.



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