• I have several custom post types. Now I would like to connect the normal WP posts to custom post types of the plugins WP Glossary. Can I use CPT-onomies as the bridging plugin?
    Also I use the My Content Management (MCM) plugin, within this plugin an own category taxonomy exists. If I had known this plugin earlier I would have set the content now in WP Glosary directly in MCM. Can I also connect the categories/custom post types in MCM using the CPT-onomies plugin?. Basically I use the normal WP posts as narrative/textbook explaining something and use the WP Glossary as the rules and regulations data base in which all official regulations are included. I would also like to be able to include these Glossary items in menu drop down menus like the standard WP Categories drop down menu (maybe separating for example Glossary group as a different drop down category menu kind of item).
    Please let me know if you understand my query?


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  • Phew. That was a mouthful! ??

    Ok. My first note is that you can use ANY custom post type as a CPT-onomy, including those registered by themes or other plugins. On the main CPT-onomies settings page, you should see an “Other” section at the bottom.

    As for the drop down menu, if you’re referring to the drop down filter menus on the admin “Edit Posts” screens, then, yes, CPT-onomies automatically adds those drop downs.

    I hope I was able to answer your questions!

    Thread Starter Henk Oonk


    Thanks, I start to understand.

    Have activated the plugin, in the settings I have added a new custom type IFRS Standards and attached existing taxonomies Glossary terms (MCM=My Content Management-plugin), Example (Also MCM), Glossary Terms (WP Glossary-plugin), Pages and Post to it (i.e. check the box).

    Now it wil get a bit difficult because I was stupoid enough to install the Dutch version of WP. In the screen All blogs I can Edit (in Dutch Bewerken) a blog but also Quick edit (in Dutch Snel bewerken). In Edit I get the additional box IFRS Standards, but in Quick edit I also get 7-times a box called Post type. The types available are Post, Page, Media, Definition (a separate plugin for definitions), Glossary terms (MCM=My Content Management-plugin), Decision Tree (MCM), Example (Also MCM), Glossary Terms (WP Glossary-plugin), and IFRS Standards.

    I don’t understand what the use of these 7 boxes is. Does it change my original custom post type to another one selected in one of the seven boxes or for all seven boxes? (I would think not but just to be sure).
    Please help me, because I think that I can use the plugin perfectly but have to understand what to do.

    Thread Starter Henk Oonk


    And again, some questions and hopefully answers.

    I have created a Custom post type (Search by IFRS) using Manage your Custom Post Types. It appears in the Admin menu on the left. So far so good. In the menu of this new Custom post type I can add a new post or start a post with the custom post types already on WP, the standard ones and the ones made by other plugins (see previous question). I take it that if I start an Custom post type (Glossary Term it is included in that subdirectory (or how they call it in HTML/PHP).

    So I added new posts (I think you call them terms) for every Custom post type with I title I want to use to attach to Posts, Pages, Glossary Terms, Media etc to make a user interface menu for the site.
    These then appear in the Quick edit in the All posts listing and I can link Posts to these terms. But if I use the Ultimate Posts Widget I only see the empty page with the title I entered using Search by IFRS > New post. I thought I had created an additional category type of attribute to my Posts???.

    In short I am lost!!!

    Then secondly I do not understand the help section ‘Assigning CPT-onomy Terms’ and then specifically the three different formats for CPT-onomy terms. As far as I under stand this is voor the back office of the site (Admin), I wanted a drop down menu for the website (front end). What I want is similar to what you see on my website:

    Annualreporting.info/en/ and then on your right Search by Category.

    I hope you understand what I am saying and trying to do, I am no technical skilled person so the words may sometimes not make snes but anyway let’s try solve these question,

    Thread Starter Henk Oonk


    Sorry but I am still struggling, I have now installed List Custom Taxonomy Widget, I have added a custom post type IFRS IAS Standards with the taxonomy name ifrsias using CPT-onomies. This custom post type has been attached to Glossary Terms (that show in wp_posts table as the post type mcm_glossary) and Glossary Terms (that show in wp_posts table as the post type glossary).
    The Widget List Custom Taxonomy widget in the widget area shows the ifrsias taxonomy name in the box Select Taxonomy. When I use it on the website, it shows the categories made in the custom post type IFRS IAS Standards (ifrsias taxonomy), with the number of links/documents in brackets behind it. So it at least retrieves the number of connections, but when I select a category it doesn’t not show the page listing but is shows the error page (with the message ‘This is somewhat embarrassing’ etc).
    If I use tags or category in Select taxonomy of the Widget List Custom Taxonomy widget in the widget area it works. I have permalink is a custom structure /%category%/%postbame%. What am I doing wrong or what should I do better????

    Any suggestion is welcome

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