How to use this plugin?
Sorry for asking low IQ question… I followed your instruction for example 6/7… None work?
I put this on the iframe html page (before </body> <script> var iframe_id = "example6"; var updateIframeHeight = "true"; var hide_page_until_loaded_external = "true"; var iframe_hide_elements = "#iframe-header,#iframe-footer,#some-images"; var iframe_content_id = "#iframe-content"; var iframe_content_styles = "color:#ff0000"; </script> <script src=""></script> And I put this in a test page:- [advanced_iframe securitykey="" use_shortcode_attributes_only="true" src="" id="example6" height="300" width="800" scrolling="no" hide_page_until_loaded_external="true"]
Just BLANK… What did I do wrong?
I also try Only <script src=””></script> on the iframe subdomian…
As well as Sample #7
> >> Same thing, nothing shows up — BLANK
Please give me just the simplest code for iframing the subdomain with 100% width & height. That’s all (before I consider to buy your Pro).
The simplest way is to include only the script and configure auto height in the administration.
Still if the page is blank the page can maybe not included.
So please test your page first here:
And then read regards, Michael
1. Okay, I finally found the main problem, it’s the URL src=” “… it should include even the page ” … /index.html”. You should fix this (imagine all I wanted is teh main page or teh whole site).
2. New problem, the height is NOT AUTO, and worse of all, it’s only like 2-3 inches tall. I changed it to height=”100%” width=”100%”, or even 100vh etc, even assigning 750px….it’s still just about 2-3 inches tall?
3. Then it would load anything saying “The following attributes are unknown or cannot be read properly. Please fix or remove this attributes:
scolling=”no”… So I have to delete scolling=”no” (even scolling=”yes” is the same problem!)4. I don’t see any “error that a Javascript function of advanced iframe (starting with ai….)”
But I did see “dashjs: not loaded after waiting 5020 ms” >>> Is this the issue?I find kinda unbelievable that to do something as simple as in my case, it’s actually more complicated than building a new site… or even harder?
Can you help to see what could be my problem at ? (I am pulling iframe from this subdomain … a simple html page)
Also created one using Template default 2024 at using WP Block with the same attribute… width=”100%” height=”750px” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”true” id=”example7″ enable_lazy_load=”true” hide_page_until_loaded_external=”true” enable_lazy_load_threshold=”200″ enable_lazy_load_fadetime=”0″
This is okay with scrolling=NO, but it got problem with your default margin=”0″, and its okay with just src=”” (without /index.html”).
Still the same, AUTO HEIGHT doesn’t work.
Just found out = The “main content” is missing in Chrome?
Pls help… I actually do intent to use your Pro on many sites.
I cannot open most of your links as it is blocked by my browser firewall because of porn. Can you please remove them from your posts. I think is not happy about them!
You should not try my pro demos with the free version! They will not work as many features there are for the pro version!
Auto height is very simple to configure. You need to follow the instructions on the “external workaround”.
The basic shortcode is simple
[advanced_iframe use_shortcode_attributes_only=”true” src=”<your iframe url>” id=”advanced_iframe” height=”300″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” enable_external_height_workaround=”true”]And then include the ai_external.js to the page IN the iframe
<script src="https://<your domain>/wp-content/plugins/advanced-iframe/js/ai_external.js"></script>
This script sends the height back to your parent.
Here is the overview about auto height: not that some features like “resize on element resize” is part of the pro version.
Basic auto height is part also of the free version. You can see in the free version in the network tab the calls with the new height.
Best regards,
blocked by my browser firewall because of porn.
All my browsers never have any problem. That’s okay, I purposely create all new clean sites just for you.
Auto height is very simple to configure.
True BUT your script ISN’T WORKING at all.
I used your “very simple & sure work” code
- inserted this thing in the iframe page at
<script src=""></script>
- pasted this in page called “test”
[advanced_iframe use_shortcode_attributes_only=”true” src=”” id=”advanced_iframe” height=”500px″ width=”100%” scrolling=”no” enable_external_height_workaround=”true”]
You may view the NON-WORKING script in action at
I purposely use height=”500px″ or height=”500″ to make sure there’s at least something to see…
RESULT: The iframe remain at 2 inches tall… It looks like your script make sure it’s will never go beyond that height (instead of auto height)?
Please tell me what’s wrong… Anything else means your script doesn’t work, right?
BTW, it’s WP + Genesis (one of the most popular frameworks)… So please don’t blame the theme. And you may delete the OFFENSIVE links above if they bother you.
Seems my sophos software is causing the blocking.
You setup is fine now. works and sometimes not for me. The reason is timing.
The content of the page is loaded dynamically. So it already fires the onload event very quickly and then the remaining page is loaded.In the free version there is no solution for this. In the pro there are actually 2
- You can delay the resize by a fixed time
- You can use “resize on element resize”:
There you can define a element which is checked every X ms and if the size changes the parent is resized. In your case this would be the best solution as when scrolling down the iframe would continue to resize.
So if the page you want to use it later is not loading content dynamically the free version will work. If you have dynamic content the pro version has the solutions you need.
The links to not bother me :). But maybe the administrators of WP ;).
Best regards, Michael
- I don’t use any “Sophos”. Are you talking about “Wordfence”? If so, I can try to deactivate something… any idea what could it be?
- I put before <script src=””></script> before </body>… Would it help I put it before </head> or right after <body>?
- I don’t mind buying your plugin except you must guarantee it will work with pages like or just refund. Is that okay? Actually, why don’t you embed one in your website for me to see that it actually works? ( already got the script there, or I can out yours if you insist).
Forget about 1 & 2.
- I disabled Wordfence, same thing.
- the <script> can be placed anywhere… head or body, top and at the end… all work.
- That left us with only one more option, your “resize on element resize”?Please try to embed one to save me the hassle for asking for refund. I’d have buy a few if this work. Otherwise, I really have no use for the plugin, it can’t fetch anything from anywhere, as most sites with live data are usually blocked.
- Wordfence and Sophos are 2 completely different things. Sophos is a virus scanner which has also a browser plugin which blocks pages for me.
- Some features only work if it is in the right place. Like described in the documentation.
- Resize on element resize does work for a couple of thousand people. So I think for you it will work as well.
Still remember – you have to be able to add the ai_external.js to the sites you want auto height to work! Otherwise it will NOT work. Not with this and not any other auto height solution. Someone has to send the height from the page in the iframe to the parent! And this is done by the script you have to add in the page IN the iframe.
Best regards, Michael
“able to add the ai_external.js to the sites you want auto height to work!”
- Didn’t we both just witnessed your script doesn’t work?
2. Why are you so scared to embed my test site yum.spiceyricey to prove that your script actually work? >>> The only answer I can think of is your script actually DOESN’T WORK?
Remember, you have been insisting my first test site didn’t work is because there are NSFW links that your God SOPHOS detected? Now that I took time to install clean site for you to see that your script does NOTHING except suppressing the iframe from even expand to the prefixed height (500px), and all I asked is for now is for you to embed one so that we can see it in action, as I can’t afford the time to mess with all your samples that guess only people with IQ 999 can understand.. In any case, most of the so called “samples” have been proven useless and non-working… None work so far!
Please embed one to prove just one simple point – that your Auto Height works (with dynamic source). This I insist precisely because you REFUSED to provide guarantee that it will work or you’d refund.
Else, the conclusion is just that >>> Your script is actually a SCAM…. prove me wrong.
This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by
- Seems you did not understand what I was talking about: The “Resize of element resize” is part of the pro version. As you do not have it your dynamic page does not work. is a working example. If you click there the height is resizing dynamically. - You are always talking about not working examples. True: Because as I have written you before for your dynamic pages you need the pro version. You copy my working examples to your page and expect they work in the free version. free != pro
- If you like I can include your page in a demo page of my site. Simply include
<script src=””></script>
instead what you have added at Let me know when you are done. - About your middle part. I only told you I cannot open your page because my browser that is secured by Sophos is not opening your page because of your adult content. So please try to read my posts properly and don’t write back things that I have never written.
Best regards, Michael
Embedded at
<script src=””></script>
Now show us the magic… Failing which (anticipated), just let us know if you gonna do something about it, or no?
This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by
The Javascript is not embedded correctly!
<script src=”””“></script>
is wrong. check by yourself here: view-source: only use normal double quotes only . This support forum is using different ones.
I don’t know if you know – you want something from me – not the other way around. So please write like that or I will stop this conversation from my side.
Best regards, Michael
No idea where you got this 2x quotes from?
<script src=”””“></script>
Never see anyone use double quotes before. Anyway, Here is the “Normal Quotes” embeded at now,
<script src=""></script>
Let me know if what you wanted is actually “”xxx””, and not “xxx”.
I got it from your page. Seems you have fixed it now.
I can see the script is loading now so I can continue.
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