• I installed Wp-Info plugin. register it, then, activated.
    So, How to see it in my wordpress pages?
    There is no guide or information for installation.

    Please, help.

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  • Hi Guys
    Im a newbie too, a complete not very bright one at that, so
    I would like to echo my co-ignoramus and request details on how to use this plug in

    What is it? Where’d you get it? (I never heard of it)

    Did you try contacting the author of it?

    Plugin Name: wp-infos
    Version: 0.3
    Plugin URI: https://sebacatalano.altervista.org
    Description: Show the total visits, the current ip and browser of the user.
    Author: Seba Catalano
    Author URI: https://sebacatalano.altervista.org

    Not too many ways on his site to contact him

    plug in file

    Plugin Name: wp-infos
    Version: 0.3
    Plugin URI: https://sebacatalano.altervista.org
    Description: Show the total visits, the current ip and browser of the user.
    Author: Seba Catalano
    Author URI: https://sebacatalano.altervista.org

    function wp_infos() {

    $timeout = "5"; // Timeout, in minutes, to consider a visitor online.
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; // Ip of the visitor
    $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // Browser of the visitor
    $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; // Local host name.
    $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; // Ref url

    // Database extraction
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM wp_infos WHERE visits != '0'")
    or die("Error in query: ". mysql_error());

    $dbarray = mysql_fetch_array($query);
    $id = $dbarray['id'];
    $totalcount = $dbarray['visits'];
    $partialcount = $dbarray['daycount'];
    $date = $dbarray['daydate'];

    $online = usr_online($timeout, $ip);
    counter($id, $totalcount, $partialcount, $host, $date, $referer);

    // Visualitazion table
    echo "Total visits: $totalcount<br>
    Today visits: $partialcount<br>
    Users online: $online<br>
    Your ip: $ip<br>
    Your browser: $browser<br>";

    function usr_online ($timeout, $ip) {

    $time = time();
    $less = $time - ($timeout*60);

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO wp_infos (ip, time) VALUES ('$ip', '$time')") or die("Error in query: ". mysql_error());
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM wp_infos WHERE time<'$less' AND visits=0") or die("Error in query: ". mysql_error());

    $query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ip) FROM wp_infos") or die("Error in query: ". mysql_error());
    $iplist = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM);

    return $iplist[0]-1;

    function counter ($id, $totalcount, $partialcount, $host, $date, $referer) {

    // Date
    $time = getdate();

    // Vars initialization
    if (empty($id)) {$id = 0;}
    if (empty($totalcount)) {$totalcount = 0;}
    if (empty($partialcount)) {$partialcount = 0;}
    if (empty($date)) {$date = $time[mday].$time[month];}

    if (!eregi($host, $referer)) {

    if (!strcmp($date, $time[mday].$time[month])) {
    else {
    $partialcount = 0;
    $date = $time[mday].$time[month];

    // Database entry
    mysql_query("DELETE FROM wp_infos WHERE visits!=0")
    or die("Error in query: ". mysql_error());

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO wp_infos (visits, daycount, daydate) VALUES ($totalcount, $partialcount, '$date')")
    or die("Error in query: ". mysql_error());

    Any suggestions most welcome

    So here I go with a silly guess. What happens if you add wp_infos() to your theme?

    <?php wp_infos(); ?>
    is what i tried to add
    got a parse error
    this required renaming the file from wp-infos-03.php, which it didnt like either

    Where’s everybody gone? am I alone in here?

    Can someone help please


    Hey there.

    I’d like to use the same plugin: “wp-infos 0.3” but I get this mySQL error: Error in query:
    Table ‘my_db_name.wp_infos’ doesn’t exist

    So, what do I need to do in order to create the table? What should it look like? The script itself is displayed in one of the above posts. The guy who worte the script is not helpful at all.

    Best regards,


    Well, I Googled the issue and came up with this website which shows everything you need to know to get it working: https://www.marosnet.com/marosnet2004/wordpress/?p=23

    Enjoy. ??

    I would like to say thanks to Meek

    good man

    I don’t understand Russian and don’t understand the last thing i need to do. Could someone provide step by step instructions?

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