I had this same queston….and found a sort of solution. If you want to specifiy which images are wrapped then you need to use unique classes.
In your CSS use this:
img {
float: left;
padding: 1opx;
For the example above all you do is make your post as normal and insert the image, nothing else needed.
I use something similar, but I've now added other bits which I want to add to the quicktags but not sure how you add classes to quicktags (podz?). So what do you do if you don't want all your images to align that way? What if you want your default image to use the default settings and prefer to use seperate classes for other specific images?
So for example, product images are labelled in the css as follows:
img.product {
float: right;
padding: 15px;
img.thumbnail {
float: left;
padding: 15px;
For the two above in your post you would use:
<img class=”product” src=”yoursource”> to display your product to the right with the text wrapped around it. Then you can add:
<img class=”thumbnail” src=”your source”>` to display a thumnail to the left of the text later on.
All your default images would align left anyway, with the text not wrapped around, again you can change this as above. I’m not specifally sure how to wrap text around both sides so that the text wraps tot he left and right with the image in the middle.
Hope that helps. Dunno if it’s worth adding to the codex? It’s a nice feature.