• Resolved herculesnetwork


    how to write the output of this function in field ‘tags’ on post-edit the dasboard the worpress?

    $input = array("neo", "Morpheus", "Trinity", "Cypher", "Tank");
    $rand_keys = array_rand($input, 2);
    $mixnames = $input[$rand_keys[1]];

    Thanks to all.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    It is very strange that the usual hooks like ‘wp_insert_post’ and wp_insert_post_data’ work fine with manual post creation but not with the import plugin. I’ve seen no evidence to explain this, as far as I can tell, it should work. Yet, it does not ??

    One thing you can try if you haven’t yet is to revert your installation to as close as possible to the default, simple installation. Switch to a default twenty* theme and deactivate all plugins except the import and yours. This prevents other code from influencing the process in ways we cannot see. If this works, then we know some plugin or theme conflict is occurring. If it doesn’t, then there’s something about either the import plugin or yours that’s the problem.

    If you can progressively narrow down the source of the problem, you will eventually find it. 9/10ths of fixing a problem is locating it.

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    Sorry BworkZ, I was not clear.
    your ‘wp_insert_post’ code works in all forms and occasions, whether by plugins or manually.

    which does not work with plugins is my code: ‘wp_insert_post_data’ I write below yours, mine to work only manually, your code to work with tags based on the title of the category of the current post, work for manual postings and post via import plugins ??

    It is that I’m trying to make your plugin write the name of the category of the current post also in the post title, and could not, so I did my adaption below its code, which does not work with imported via plugins, so I’m just trying to make your plugin write the name of the category also in post_title ??

    this code working with plugin or manual posts:

    add_filter('wp_insert_post', 'add_cat_to_title', 10, 3 );
    function add_cat_to_title( $post_ID, $post, $update ) {
       $tags = array();
       $title = $post->post_title;
       $cats = get_the_category( $post_ID );
       foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
    	  $tags[] = $cat->name;
          $title .= $cat->name;
    //wp_insert_post();  // not working
      //wp_set_post_title( $post_ID, $title );   // not working
      wp_set_post_tags( $post_ID, $tags, $title ); //only tags, not title!

    ? Best Regards BCWZ ??

    Moderator bcworkz


    Thanks for clarifying, I think I understand now.

    There are WP functions for setting taxonomy terms like tags and categories, but not titles. The auto-suggest feature for the search box at https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/ works pretty well for locating WP functions if you know part of the function name. If you enter “post_title” (without initiating the search) it will suggest all functions that have “post_title” in the name. You will see set_post_title() is not there.

    Using wp_insert_post() can be made to work, but when you tried to use it, it created an infinite loop situation. To avoid this, you need to first remove your action callback before calling wp_insert_post(). You then add your callback again after the call is made so everything is setup next time a post is inserted.

    Of course the other way to change the title should be to hook ‘wp_insert_post_data’, but we’ve found this does not work with import plugins for some unknown reason. Mysteries like this often are caused by plugin or theme conflicts. The way to verify this is to revert your installation to the default state like I explained in my last post.

    One other option to be able use ‘wp_insert_post’ to affect the title without causing an infinite loop is to make a direct SQL query. This is probably the best approach, but requires learning more coding! This time we learn about the global $wpdb database connection object. To use this object’s methods, it’s useful to know the basics of coding with SQL. We’re going to use the update() method.

    When we used wp_set_post_tags(), we collected the category terms into an array. The post title cannot make use of an array, so we need to concatenate the category terms to the post title as we have done before. When we concatenate, we need to ensure this is only done once, otherwise every time the post is updated, the category names are added on to the title again. The title could grow to be very long! In order to only add the categories one time for new posts, we cannot use ‘wp_insert_post’ action, instead we use ‘draft_to_publish’. The result of all these adjustments ends up with code like this:

    add_action('draft_to_publish', 'add_cats_to_title');
    function add_cats_to_title( $post ) {
       $title = $post->post_title;
       $cats = get_the_category( $post->ID );
       foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
          $title .= "-{$cat->name}";
       global $wpdb;
       $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts,
          array('post_title'=> $title,), // SET
          array('ID'=> $post->ID,)       // WHERE

    Because this only applies to new posts, if someone were to change the categories later, this would not be reflected in the title. Having the current categories always be reflected in the title greatly complicates things because it’s difficult for code to know where the original title ends and the categories begin.

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    Hi Best Code-man WordPress System (You also use ‘S’) ??
    Our like me or the most improbable ways … I must take a course in wp-dev to have these basis to consult the documentation wordpress ever.
    wp_set_post_tags(), try wp_set_post_title(), that are pre-existing functions in wordpress library, and each with its due effect, shooting, can not adapt their names finding that a function will be created in wordpress core, or try to worse, guess if there is a function with this imaginary name ?? .. or try using a function intended to tags: wp_set_post_tags to perform shooting in post_title … I need a wordpress course, because I lack the basis to understand the documentation.

    this code above did not work! and the part that we say which post the item we set the value of the variable $cat->name is entered, you already left filled, so not modified anything:

    array ( 'post_title'=>$title,), // SET
    array ( 'id'=>$post-> ID) // WHERE

    Best Regards BCW’S’ ??

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    only a comment:
    add_filter(‘wp_insert_post’, ‘add_cat_to_tags’, 10, 3 );
    function add_cat_to_tags( $post_ID, $post, $update ) {

    $tags[] = $cat->name;
       here I add "$post_content"
       // overwrites any existing tags!!
       wp_set_post_tags( $post_ID, $tags, "here also" );

    Your code that does overwrite with the current tag the post with a new tag based on the cat-name (is what I really needed) but tabem I modified to have a second code, so my amendment to add a tag based on category name, not overwriter current tags, just insert another tag .. it will serve me also ??
    there must be a hook “wp update tags” but if one day Qua it, the important thing is that works ?? and in the future will need this change I made and works, but nowadays I really need your exact code ??

    but for now I need to add the category name to post_title. ??

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    BCWorkZ.. Your first paragraph, it was more a great tip, it’ll no longer doing foolish attempts making only modification the names of functions, but will refer to know all existing functions related to what I want to handle at the moment, and perhaps understand what each one of these functions do. ?? THANKS,

    $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts, this execution is new for me!

    But it would be wrong to give the category name not be written in post_title?

    Moderator bcworkz


    “Best Code-man WordPress System” — ?? very funny! I am flattered.

    More on $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts... is found in Class Reference/wpdb. It is an class/object that directly interfaces with the database using the mySQL query language. It is used internally by functions like wp_insert_post(). The reason I used it here is because it solves the infinite loop problem. It bypasses the need to call wp_insert_post() to update the title, so we do not need to worry about our action hook being called over and over and over and over…

    I’m sorry it didn’t work for you. I did test it on my system and it worked fine with new posts and only with new posts. Nothing changes with updated posts. Did you try manually publishing a new post? It should work doing that. Whether it works with mass import plugins may be a different story.

    The reason it may not work for you is I used the wrong hook for your system. We can determine the right hook with the following diagnostic code. This code is unusual in that it kills the process to deliver the message. When you add this code to functions.php, leave the first line commented out. Navigate to the new post screen and create a new post, but do not publish it yet.

    Remove the comment marks // from the first line of the diagnostic code below and save the file back to your server. Only when the first line is no longer a comment should you click the Publish button. After publishing, you should see only Old - New Status: draft - publish on the screen. If the Old – New status is anything other than draft - publish let me know what it is. If you also see draft - publish then my previous code used the correct hook and I’m mystified why it doesn’t work. Still, we’ve at least eliminated one possibility. If we keep eliminating possibilities we will eventually discover the problem.

    //add_action('transition_post_status', 'bcw_get_transition', 10, 3);
    function bcw_get_transition( $new, $old, $post ) {
       echo '<pre>Old - New Status: ' . $old . ' - ' . $new;

    Once you’ve determined the Old – New status, comment out the first line again so your site behaves normally again.

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    Hi BCWork’S’ ??
    I almost got into the third plugin ??

    I just got your answer and I already work on it ??
    I spent the last 20 hours trying this plugin ??
    I came to it in the third import plugin:

    in the plugin that it pulls the categories combobox plugin:

    $category  = urldecode($_POST['cat_'.$i]); // code do guy code;
    $cats = get_the_category( $post->ID ); // bcwork'S'
             foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
    		 $category .= $cat->name;

    in part that the code it to insert the values in the variable $post_title:

    $post_title = rewrite2($title, $myWords);
    $post_title .= "{$category}";

    it works!! buuuut … he writes the ID number of the category :/

    title result in importation: This post is just a simple test 6418
    then entered on the page of category and found that this number refers to the ID of the category that I had selected, that is, we are almost there!

    just a comment:
    about what you said about making the loop each run, increase the size of titles, or other area that the code is working, I resolved with an impromptu,
    every time performing tasks that the code is finished, I play:

    $thevar = $thevar == ""; // Heard the unset($thevar); but I did not use.

    then I give continuity to the charge of entering the data, and that action to increase the content at each click to happen ??

    his previous post I thought it lasted all night, gave me light to solve a problem that I always I changed a title I had to change the post_slu

    now anything I do in titles, all slugs follow ??
    each plugin that out, I do more 2 or more for my solutions in my blogs, because use the code to run as a reference for new ideas ??

    Now I will to analyzer your new code ?? THANKS by big helps

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    Just one additional, this is next code, post creation:

    // Create post object
    		$new_post = array(
    		'ID' => '',
    		'post_title' => $post_title,
    		'post_content'   => $post_content,
    		'post_excerpt'   => $excerpt,
    		'post_status' => $post_status,
    		'tags_input'     => $tags ,
    		'post_date'      => date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$post_time),
    		'post_category' => array( 'category' => $category )
    		$post_id = wp_insert_post($new_post);

    I do not know makes a difference, but it’s there, it seems a simple normal creation.

    I do not know why he did not take the name of catogory, but her ID,
    It would be why it should be $cat_name instead of $cat->name? I’ve seen these two modes codes!

    function get_cat_ID( $cat_name ) {
        $cat = get_term_by( 'name', $cat_name, 'category' );
        if ( $cat )
            return $cat->term_id;
        return 0;

    It will be whether it has any relationship?

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    SORRY ME by to flood messages here, Disregard all after your writing, you will use your time just to comment about e.g. $thevar ??

    What nonsense mine, I noticed that no function or code is needed because I noticed that the code it already pulls the category name to insert the original variable before creating the post.

    $category  = urldecode($_POST['cat_'.$i]); // code do guy code;

    then only need it:

    $post_title .= "-{$category}";

    >>>but there is still the problem only appears in the post_title cat-ID! and not cat-name!<<<

    sorry me by to flood here messages, I was anxious, and the function I saw on a forum using the variable $cat_name has nothing special about it. $cat_name is only one any variable.

    Yes, I was so focused on making the import plugin write the name of the category in post_title that not noticed that your plugin work perfectly in manual postings, as well as that I threw the code here, but its got more quality for not loop and use proper path. but not work with the plugin, please, consider trying to hit again because his plugin is getting the cat-id and not the cat-name! but whatever to me, do hacker in his code as I have done several, how to get our own plugin, the important thing is to run in the future I try to improve the ways ??

    I will analyze your previous code to make our own plugin. ??

    Moderator bcworkz


    No problem about the extra posts, it doesn’t take much time to read through all of them. It takes much longer to fully comprehend, which I now only need to do for the last post ??

    Whew! I’m glad my code at least worked for manual posts, I could not imagine why it would not work that way. I also cannot imagine why no action or filter hooks seem to work with mass import plugins, but that problem no longer surprises me.

    About $thevar = ""; — this does not resolve the infinite loop problem I referred to. In any case the infinite loop is only a problem for manually inserted posts when you hook ‘wp_insert_post()’ action and in the added callback you call wp_insert_post(). The first time wp_insert_post() is called is from inside WP when publishing the post, and this causes the ‘wp_insert_post’ action to fire and execute your added callback. The callback then calls wp_insert_post() as well, which also causes the ‘wp_insert_post’ action to fire and execute your added callback again. That second instance also causes the ‘wp_insert_post’ action to fire and executes your added callback again, the third instance. This continues until the server runs out of memory.

    If you are willing to hack one of the import plugins, you could simply add the functional part of my code after the plugin calls wp_insert_post(). Not any of the add action and make a function stuff, just the part that gets categories, adds it to the title, then saves the new title. It needs slight modification though.

    $post = get_post( $post_id );
      $title = $post->post_title;
       $cats = get_the_category( $post->ID );
       foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
          $title .= "-{$cat->name}";
       global $wpdb;
       $wpdb->update( $wpdb->posts,
          array('post_title'=> $title,), // SET
          array('ID'=> $post->ID,)       // WHERE

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    I just got hacked my biggest plugin, the most robust, no codes, for lack of attention, I had not tried it before, because the variables that it stores the captured data of the categories and tags are there, and apparently, I just I concatenated the title and the variable that stores cat, put as the value of the variable that stores the tags, and just that and it worked! including making cat name in tags, and cat name in title!
    our plugin BCWS cat-name tag to be using my many other websites ?? but on sites that work with this specific plugins, I use only the hacker, and any update I copy and paste use or do I upload my file hacked for everything to return to full operation I need ??

    however this same strategy, not to use codes and only concatenate their original and usual variables, I used in a plugin (the one that appears the cat_id in titles), and this plugin is a developer that has 2 more plugins and he writes the codes so very similar, are from the same developer, today all I did in one of them, I could do the other too! now because he work pulling the cat-ID ?! where change to pull the name and not the cat-ID?

    with this I did hack to add cat-in name tags:

    $tags  .= $_POST['tags_'.$i].$_POST['cat_'.$i];

    with this I did hack to add cat-name the titles:

    $post_title .= "-{$_POST['cat_'.$i]}";

    thanks to his explanations I have understood the codes at a sufficient level to be able to adapt them to other tasks ??

    I did exactly the same things in the 4 plugins in my most plugin, I add it name from category without using any code! on tags and titles!
    but in the simplest plugin, less elaborate, another developer writing 3 of those 4 plugins, instead of pulling the category name, the code it pulls the cat-name, would solve everything, know how to rewrite part of his code that pulling cat-ID instead of the cat-name!

    your code to overwrite based tags in cat-name, and also the one who writes the name cat-in titles, also already made uploads backup to cloud my bills drive in private directories, your great writing ?? I will use on the website using 3 import plugins, your code to overwrite tags, and my other projects I’m still thinking about starting this year ??
    but to write the name cat-in titles using import plugin, work well when concatenated up, but can not be numbers but strings ??

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    but in the simplest plugin, less elaborate, another developer writing 3 of those 4 plugins, instead of pulling the category name, the code it pulls the cat-ID <<<<<<

    I found a file on his plugin that actually comes to the cat-ID for variable that to concatenate with the title!

    $args = array(
    	'orderby'            => 'name',
    	'order'              => 'ASC',
    	'hide_empty'         => 0,
    	'selected'           => $category,
    	'name'               => 'cat_'.$i,
    	'id'               => 'cat_'.$i,

    What can we do?
    Thaaaaaankssss BCWS ??

    Thread Starter herculesnetwork


    I created a plugin with your code:

    add_action('transition_post_status', 'bcw_get_transition', 10, 3);
    function bcw_get_transition( $new, $old, $post ) {
       echo '
    <pre>Old - New Status: ' . $old . ' - ' . $new;

    and all I can see when trying to enter in session new post or trying to get into some other post and click plublish is:
    Old – New Status: new – auto-draft


    I had an idea to make a global variable in their cat-in name tags plugin, and he continued working posts manual entry or import:

    add_filter('wp_insert_post', 'add_cat_to_tags', 10, 3 );
    function add_cat_to_tags( $post_ID, $post, $update ) {
    	global $myglobaltag;
       $tags = array();
       $cats = get_the_category( $post_ID );
       foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
    	  $myglobaltag = $cat->name;
          $tags[] = $myglobaltag;
       // overwrites any existing tags!!
       wp_set_post_tags( $post_ID, $tags );

    I’m trying to get it in the plugin developer and no work:

    // herculesnetwork begin
             $post_title = rewrite2($title, $myWords);
             global $myglobaltag;
             echo $myglobaltag;
             $post_title .= "-{$myglobaltag;}";
    //herculesnetwork end

    the situation is this: my 4 import plugins, I’m solving all in my most important plugin just concatenating values of their variables within his own code ??
    the other 3 import plugins, when I get something in one, I can in all too, what I’m trying to do is: use your plugin that writes cat-name for titles (works very well with plugins), and also call this variable overall I created in your plugin to concatenate it in the import plugin before the $ post_title because the variables ‘cat _. $ i’ the import plugin in its class, it simply returns are numbers and numbers :-/ .. and this part of the titles are the most important of all.

    Thanksssss ?? ??

    Moderator bcworkz


    …new post or trying to get into some other post and click plublish is:
    Old – New Status: new – auto-draft

    In the first add_action line, try changing only the ‘draft_to_publish’ to ‘new_to_auto-draft’ and see if that works any better.

    That is great news that you are able to hack different plugins to do what you want, you should be proud of yourself!

    I’m not totally sure what you are after regarding ID numbers. Usually PHP will convert numeric variables to strings automatically as needed, but there are times you need to explicitly type cast the number as a string. Either of the following will do this:

    $var = "$var"; //must use double quotes
    $var = (string) $var;

    More on type casting here:

    If you need to get a term’s name and you only have its ID and not the term object, get the term object with get_term(). The term object will contain the name you are after.

    $cat = get_term( $cat_id, 'category' );
    $post_title .= "-{$cat->name}";

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