• hello,

    i’m trying to use dayclick function (by fullcalendar.io) to go to dayview when i click in a specific day of month view. But the calendar crash (don’t stop loading)

    dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) {

    // change the day’s background color just for fun
    $(this).css(‘background-color’, ‘red’);


    then i try to use custom code to do something(like to go to a specific date) when i click something:

    $(‘.my_class’).click(function() {
    $(‘.wpfc-calendar’).fullCalendar( ‘gotoDate’, ‘2016-05-01’ );

    if “.my_class” link to an external calendar element everything is alright
    but if “.my_class” link to an internal calendar element(like a day for example) the function doesn’t work.

    there is a way to fix these errors?

    thank you,

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