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  • Links in your side bar area are getting styles from theme file style.css line 852:

    .widget ul li a {
        color: #666666;
        text-decoration: none;

    Add any color, weight, font-family, etc. and refresh page / clear cache for changes to show up.

    ** Make sure to put changes in a Child Theme to keep them safe if the theme is updated.

    Or, you can use a plugin like WP Google Fonts to change the styles for you.

    Thread Starter Doodlez


    ty for responding i am hopi ng that you will help me a bit more as im down right confuse maybe you could walk me through baby staps if you go on my page and see the right hand side where it says fishing contest . is thewre and way to make that bigger , stand out change color im sorry im just not as experience in this part

    [Please stop posting in uppercase. It’s the electronic equivalent of shouting and is considered quite rude. Post de-capped.]

    To identify the element you want to change, either view the source on your page and search for ‘Fishing Contest‘ or use a tool like firebug (firefox) or chrome web inspector (chrome) to inspect the element and see what you have to work with. Fishing Contest looks like this.

    <li id="menu-item-962" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-962">
    <a href="">Fishing Contest</a>

    The text is wrapped in an anchor tag which is wrapped in a list item tag.

    To reference just the fishing text inside the list item (inside the a tag) you’d precede the id with the hast hag (which is used to reference ids) and follow that with ‘a’ reference to the anchor tag:

    #menu-item-962 a {

    To actually style the link, there are lots of things you can do. Change text color, font-size, font-weight, etc.

    To make the text bigger, and change it’s color to blue for example, you could use:

    #menu-item-962 a {

    If you put the change above into your style.css and clear cache / refresh your page, it’ll work, but if you update your theme, the change will be overwritten.

    To keep this from happening, take a look at creating a child theme.

    For a better understanding of css…
    CSS tutorial
    CSS Id and Class selectors

    Thread Starter Doodlez


    i’m sorry i have looked through every part of that code n i cant fins it on word pres in the editor its sectioned off into different sectons could u please point me exactly where to go ..

    To create a child theme and safely make changes that will overwrite a parent theme, do this:

    1. create a new directory in your themes folder (this will contain your child theme files)
    2. use a text editor (e.g. Notepad++) to create a new file in the folder you just created named ‘style.css
    3. put this at the top of the file
    Theme Name: My New Theme
    Description: Child theme for the blogolife theme
    Author: Your name here
    Template: blogolife
    @import url("../blogolife/style.css");
    #menu-item-962 a {

    ** The template line connects the child theme to a parent (in this case blogolife). If a file isn’t found in your child theme, WordPress will reference the file in the parent.

    ** The import line gets styles from the parent theme

    ** ‘#menu-item-962 a’ targets your Fishing Contest link which has an id of ‘menu-item-962’. Styles go inside the { } The color and font-size are just examples I added, change them to fit your theme.

    in admin, navigate to Appearance | Themes. Find the child theme you created and click ‘Live Preview‘ to preview your site and see the new styles you created for the Fishing Contest link.

    When it looks the way you want it to look, click ‘Activate’.

    Add any future changes to your child theme style.css. That keeps them from being overwritten if you ever update blogolife.

    For example, to change the color of your side links to orange, add this to your child theme style.css

    .widget ul li a {
        color: #FAA61C;

    In this example, the child theme is overwriting line 852 of it’s parent theme (found in themes/blogolife/style.css) where the link color is set to #666

    Thread Starter Doodlez


    ok you have offically lost me n was hoping there was a easier way ??

    were you able to follow the first two steps ?

    1. create a new folder in your themes directory
    2. create a file in that folder named ‘style.css’
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