• I’ve just started my first WordPress blog. It is about golf from the perspective of an average golfer.

    I have started with the metamorphisiz theme Hills and modified it slightly. I have it set to randomly select 1 of 7 headers for the blog so you may not see the same image on the header each time. I plan to add more headers over time and post the theme once I get it the way that I would like.

    Any suggestions to improve the site are greatly appreciated.


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  • where is it mate I dont see a link?

    Thread Starter wildwillyiii



    I can’t believe I did that! https://blogs.wolfpawroad.com is the URL. Thanks 2nutz.

    Well.. I must say the content looks great but I got annoyed and left you site almost instantly. My thoughts are about the whole advertisement/sponsor thing on. I don’t think a site should use this until it has some regular visitors and popularity. I mean before trying to drive people away via advertisement links you have to have people.

    You idea is great though! Being an average golfer I maybe would have maybe read some articles if it weren’t for the advertisements.



    Thread Starter wildwillyiii


    Thanks CoolHandLuke. I appreciate the comments. I’m not sure that I agree with you about “driving people away via advertising”. I think most people are used to them and either look at them or ignore them but I could be wrong about that. I suppose that time will tell.

    Thanks for spending some time to check the site out and give me the feedback.

    I like the header changes. Is it a plugin or a function of your theme? Would you mind if you can teach me?

    Thread Starter wildwillyiii


    It is a function of the theme. I added the following code to the header.php file in the <head> section. There is a css file for each version of the header that has a different background file and possibly different text colors.

    I have also added an option for the setup in functions.php file that allows me to enter the number of headers to choose from. That is the wpr_001_header_count variable but you could hard code it here just as well.

    if ($header_count = get_option ('wpr_001_header_count')) {
    	$header_version = mt_rand (1, $header_count);
    	$css_path = get_bloginfo ('template_directory') . "/header" . $header_version . ".css";
    	echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='$css_path' type='text/css' media='screen' />\n";

    At some point when I get the theme more stable I will probably post it here.

    Hopefully this helps.


    Thank you Shalom, I would like to try the code, but not sure if it will work for my theme. Hope it works! Have a nice day everyone and a nice weekend!

    I have to say that I agree with CoolHandLuke. Your posts are well written and golf is a subject that should interest a large audience, but the ads are a turnoff. I am an avid golfer, and I read a lot of blogs, but I generally spend my time on the ones that aren’t filled with ads. Unless you have a site that attracts many thousands of visitors, they are a complete waste of time and space.

    Thread Starter wildwillyiii


    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    I’m not sure why ads are such a turn off for Chrisber and CoolHandLuke. I don’t know of very many web sites that don’t have them although I know that there are some.

    Unfortunately, you guys are not the demographic that I’m looking for although you are golfers and blog readers. I am trying to get to the point where I can make a living or at least supplement my income with my various online activities. That means that people who don’t read blogs with ads are not my target audience.

    The only other income generating technique I can think of with a blog is to either charge a monthly subscription (who would pay?) or beg for donations. Neither of those seem like a reasonable avenue.

    I do appreciate your feedback on the content of the site. It is encouraging to know that you would be back if there were no ads but at this point no ads = no blogs. I’m not going to spend my time on this without some hope of a return on it.


    Thread Starter wildwillyiii



    As long as your image is a background image for a <div> or other block then just selecting an extra css file that overwrites the css for that block will change the image.

    Each of the css files just contains the css that is different from the main css file to implement the header. That includes the background-image and color settings for the 2 classes that are used in the header to get different colors that compliment the image. You don’t need to recreate the entire css file for each header.

    If you need to see an example of the header1.css file let me know and I’ll post it.


    P.S. Shalom is just one of my typical salutations. I sometimes use Aloha, Cool Runnin’s, Ciao or KYSOTI (which means Keep Your Stick On The Ice). My name is actually Bill.

    Thread Starter wildwillyiii


    @joe Whitley

    I took a quick look at your site and it looks pretty good. I’ll check it out some more. I like the topics that you cover.


    Thread Starter wildwillyiii



    I just discovered another theme that has a random image in the header. They did something similar to what I did but put the css code in a style tag rather than a separate css file. You might want to check it out and look at the code in the header.php file.


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