Hi, at this stage I am just reaching out to all plugin owners (for the plugins relateed to woocommerce that we use) as we wait for full HPOS support from woocommerce.
In your case, I guess the piece that collects the information (the ‘child’) on remote sites will be fine – it’s the receiving part (the ‘parent’) where you just need to make sure that you are playing by the recommendations of woocommerce itself (see article I already linked) in how you call certain api. You might already do (I have not studied your code yet), or maybe it’s the extended API which deals with orders etc so ‘at your layer’ you might not need to do anything, hopefully…
I just want to make sure that when woocommerce is ready to fully enable the feature (their new high perf order storage), this upcoming year, we can switch it on without having any addon that doesn’t support it… just trying to anticipate potential blockers down the road ??
Consider it a ‘heads up’ this is something that eventually every woocommerce-related plugin will have to deal with.
With best regards,