HSTS is active but securityheaders.com do not detect it
Hello, i have some domains that are reported as follow by securityheaders.com :
Strict-Transport-Security : ok
Content-Security-Policy : NOT ok
X-Frame-Options : NOT ok
X-Content-Type-Options : NOT ok
Referrer-Policy : NOT ok
Permissions-Policy : NOT okEvery one of them have Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP active with the following params that works for my other domains…
max-age : 63072000
enable include subdomain : ON
CSP headers content : upgrade-insecure-requests;
CSP report URI : (void)
Permissions Policy Contents : (void)All these have the same params, but not the same results… i don’t get it. We use everywhere the same WP cache plugin (wp Rocket), could that be the problem ?
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