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  • you can basically use any editor to create the file.

    NotePad alone should work fine.

    NOTE: Some editors by default assign an extension to the file. You can just rename the file to just .htaccess once you have created it, in such cases.

    Moderator James Huff


    Actually, you can use any plain text editor to create/edit the .htaccess file, but you cannot use a word processor. Word processors add special hidden characters and proprietary encoding to files in order to make them look “pretty”. These special characters and encodings will do nothing more than completely and utterly confuse whatever is trying to parse your .htaccess, php, or html files. Stay away from word processors. Use a plain text editor instead. You can find a good list of plain text editors here:

    Do not forget 777

    Moderator James Huff


    0_0 Whoa, don’t use 777. Sorry cnbombfans, but there is no reason to give the .htaccess file any executable permissions. The permissions for the .htaccess file should be set to no higher than 666. If you want to experience “maximum security”, set the permissions for the .htaccess file to 644, and then to 666 whenever you want to change your permalink structure or add a page (not a post) to your blog, then set the permissions back to 644 when you’re done.

    .htaccess keeps disappearing

    There is something weird with my webspace (or is it WP doing that?):

    I cannot see the .htaccess-file.

    The admin panel tells me, that .htaccess isn’t writable. So I want to be nice to the admin panel and change that.

    Since I can’t see that damned file in any ftp-programm (Ispwitch, cuteFTP, Windows Explorer, the providers WebFTP – all fail on that), I upload a file called “1.htaccess”, set the CHMOD accordingly and rename the file to “.htaccess”. Upon that it disappears from the screen and my site return error 500.

    My next attempt is to upload a file called “.htacces”. As expected, it disappears again in the webspace and I can’t change any write rules. BUT – my site is delivered just as it should. And the admin panel complains again about a not writable .htaccess.

    Similar weird things happen to my-hacks.php: The admin panel says, it’s not there. If I upload something by that name, the site breaks down again.

    My provider keeps saying, that it is a problem with my ftp-programm, which is definitely not the right answer.

    Anybody able to tell me what’s going on there?

    Try FileZilla and see if you can spot your .htaccess

    If that doesn’t work either then your host is the most probably cause.

    It most probably is a problem with your FTP. Set it to display hidden files because on many systems .htaccess is a hidden file.

    You can use list -al to display all files.

    Wow, I found it! FileZilla shows hidden files. Oh, I just want to take you home and cuddle you for a while.

    A thank you is good enough ??

    Glad to be of help ??

    The only remaining problem now is that with the new upload function, which keeps telling me something about safe mode restrictions and ownership and all those thing I can’t influence (

    Since you have FTP, you could just upload the files directly yourself in the worst case.

    Yes, and I could grap image file from anywhere in the world as well. But there is still somethin rotten about the script.

    I already learnt to hack the core in order to get a step further (delete $height_width somewhere). But then the system complains about ownership of files and safe mode and everything.

    I can hardly sell a solution that requires in-depth html-knowledge from people who just want to talk about themselves.

    If you don’t want to use the new upload system, like me, use the Iimage Browser plugin.

    My apologies for the ignorant question, but here goes:

    I kind of understand what the .htaccess does with WP. I want to upgrade to WP2.0 and backup said htaccess file, however I’ve never actually created one and don’t use any permalinks yet.

    I’ve yet to check to see if it’s there as a hidden file but at first glance, I don’t seem to have one. Is this something that is automatically created within your server or do I have to manually create it? If I haven’t been using permalinks, is it something I should still back up?

    Again, forgive my ignorance. ??

    Moderator James Huff


    If you don’t have a .htaccess file, you don’t have to be concerned with it. At some point, you may feel the need to create it and use “pretty” permalinks, but for now, you don’t need one.

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