“two websites in dreamweaver” – are you trying to upload the entire site to wordpress, or are you trying to upload it to your server, and link to it from within wordpress? You can’t just upload a website TO wordpress – it doesn’t work that way. (part of this was covered in a previous post of yours, sort of: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/68557 with an explanation that you might want to learn more about what wordpress is and does) – if you just want to showcase your website design skills, my advice would be to take a screenshot of the site, and then upload that into a post. if you want to link to the whole website, you’ll need to create a directory on your server, upload the site via FTP, and then create a post in wordpress linking to it.
(the fact that you don’t explain clearly what you’re wanting to do, might be the reason why your first post on this went unanswered – https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/77933 – next time, instead of making a new post entirely, maybe go back and try to give more information on the first one)
for flash files, you’re going to have to find a plugin that allows you to embed a flash file in a post or page – you again, can’t just “upload it” and have it be there.