HTML button in TinyMCE missing in WP 2.1
So I upgraded to 2.1 and the HTML button in TinyMCE editor is missing. I use it frequently — where did it go and how do I get it back?
seems to somehow be corrupting in certain circumstances.
Why is this happening in some instances and not in others? I’ve tried installing, reinstalling, and all of the suggestions above, but nothing seems to fix the problem. Occurs in all browsers.
Is this a topic that needs to be elevated to a bug/fix?
Ok, well, this is truly embarassing. But, it turns out there’s a checkbox on the Profile that says use visual editor. And, evidently, when you create a new user, the default is NOT checked. So the new user didn’t get the visual editor.
To fix, log in. Click on My Profile in the upper right. Check the box that says ‘Use the visual editor when writing’. Save.
Blog away.
Now I must go place my head in the sand.
turns out there’s a checkbox on the Profile that says use visual editor
Yeah, yeah. Already have this checked. I have all of the buttons available in the visual editor EXCEPT for the HMTL button.
sbiehle: See the two tabs above the editor? One of ’em is labeled “Code”? That’s what replaced the “html” button.
There is no more HTML button. It’s been replaced by the code tab. They do the same things.
The code tab… I don’t get it. You can add SOME html elements, but not other elements. And when you save, it converts carriage returns into <br>. This is useless to me. It should be called something other than Code.
I tried webophir’s solution and it worked perfectly. Thank you!
See the two tabs above the editor? One of ’em is labeled “Code”? That’s what replaced the “html” button.
I don’t think that’s correct. The CODE tab isn’t a replacement, it seems like it’s somewhere between the idiot-proof rich text editor and the code monkey HTML button. The CODE tab strips out paragraph tags and other HTML code and don’t get me started on trying to insert <div> tags.
Plus, if the HTML button doesn’t exist anymore, why include it in the image files in wp-includes?
I don’t think that’s correct.
Then you’re wrong. The code tab is an exact replacement for the HTML button. What’s changed is the editor itself. If you switch back to the Visual Editor, then it will reformat your HTML as it sees fit. It did that before too with the HTML button, just not as drastically.
Some of the ways it edits things have been altered in the 2.2 release. Probably not all the ones everybody wanted though.
What’s changed is the editor itself. If you switch back to the Visual Editor, then it will reformat your HTML as it sees fit. It did that before too with the HTML button, just not as drastically.
So you’re saying that as long as you don’t ever switch to the Visual Editor the editor won’t strip the code?
I’m hoping the 2.2 release doesn’t strip things as dramatically, because while I’m entirely comfortable editing the code, the RTE does make things easier at times.
So you’re saying that as long as you don’t ever switch to the Visual Editor the editor won’t strip the code?
Yep. I’ve done it myself. Put in P tags and publish and they’ll stay P tags. To a degree anyway, there’s still some post editing that takes place due to wp-autop, but that happens when the post is displayed, not when it’s being written or published.
And of course, if you go back and Edit that post, then the visual editor loads first and they become DIV tags.
Frankly, if you want to edit your HTML, I recommend disabling the visual editor entirely. It’s simpler if you know HTML. The visual editor is meant for people who want to write text and mess with images and links and such without knowing HTML or any coding at all. It’s not meant for people who are comfortable with messing with raw HTML.
One compromise is to write your post in visual, switch to the code tab and insert any special HTML you want, and then publish without switching back. What you see in the code tab will be what is saved in the database.
Currently there’s no good way to get the best of both worlds.
Thanks for the tip. I still kinda wish there was a CODE button, because then I could have the best of both worlds. Alas, ’tis not meant to be.
I’m having similar problems…. could it be that the text box is too big, and its covering the buttons??? it kind of looks like that. anyway, I’ve uploaded both of the new files, and it still doesn’t work. firefox, or IE, and I’m using a PC.
I ditched the built-in TinyMCE and used this plug-in instead: features and brings back iimage-browser to WordPress 2.2
Dbasden is right, visual editor was unchecked after i upgraded…glad i read this thread after the fact… =)
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