Box Table IX-B1 is checked?
Try this link:
It will show you a lot of wppa debugging info.
There is a strange filter active, i think it is from your theme, that may be the problem:
WPPA+ dbg msg: Pri:11, func: do_shortcode, args: 1]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: Pri:9223372036854775806, func: Array, args: 1]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: Pri:9223372036854775807, func: Array, args: 1]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: Pri:9223372036854775807, func: Array, args: 1]
The shortcodes are processed at priority 11, that is normal.
What i am worrying about is the 3 lines thereafter: filters that run at the maximum priority.
This is rather technical, but please look if you have any special actions ( theme settings and/or plugins ) that may affect the page content and so damaging the code generated by wppa.
You have quite a lot plugins active:
[WPPA+ dbg msg: Active Plugins]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: all-in-one-favicon/all-in-one-favicon.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: antispam-bee/antispam_bee.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: black-studio-tinymce-widget/black-studio-tinymce-widget.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: comicpress-companion/companion.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: easy-columns/easy-columns.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: easy-content-templates/ec-templates.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: enhanced-text-widget/enhanced-text-widget.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: file-gallery/file-gallery.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: force-regenerate-thumbnails/force-regenerate-thumbnails.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: google-sitemap-generator/sitemap.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: lazy-social-buttons/lazy-social-buttons.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: nextgen-gallery-comments/nextgen-gallery-comments.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: nextgen-gallery/nggallery.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: no-right-click-images-plugin/no-right-click-images-plugin.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: notes-postwidgets/notes-postwidgets.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: page-links-to/page-links-to.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: pdf-print/pdf-print.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: per-page-widgets/i123_per_page_widgets.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: simple-featured-posts-widget/sfpw.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: social-networks-auto-poster-facebook-twitter-g/NextScripts_SNAP.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: spam-free-wordpress/tl-spam-free-wordpress.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: stop-media-comment-spamming/stop-media-comment-spamming.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: tinymce-advanced/tinymce-advanced.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wp-featured-soliloquy-sliders/wp-featured-soliloquy-sliders.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wp-photo-album-plus/wppa.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wp-statistics/wp-statistics.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: wp-widget-gallery/wpwidgetgallery.php]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: End Active Plugins]
so i suggest: first try an other theme temporarely, to see if it is a theme setting, and if not, try disabeling plugins to see what is the cause.
The album description on the page i gave the link above also has htmlspecialchars see the description of ‘Flera / multiple’