• Version 3.8.5

    I can’t get my HTML to show up once I publish the blog post. I inserted it into the text section correctly. When I click back to visual, I see it perfectly. But once I click to update the blog, and view the post, its not there. Everything I can find googling says how to enter it correctly, which I did as proven by it showing up in the visual side, but nothing about it disappearing when you go to publish.

    When I go back to edit (after viewing the published post), its no longer there in the visual side. Some of the code is still there in the text side, but not everything.

    The specific code is for a paypal donate button. The blog purpose is fundraising, so I need to be able to insert this donate button onto every page. Here is the code:
    <form action=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr&#8221; method=”post” target=”_top”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”cmd” value=”_s-xclick”>
    <input type=”hidden” name=”hosted_button_id” value=”NTS37CVLLJ72Q”>
    <input type=”image” src=”https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif&#8221; border=”0″ name=”submit” alt=”PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!”>
    <img alt=”” border=”0″ src=”https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif&#8221; width=”1″ height=”1″>

    When I go back to edit after having published, this is all thats left of the code in the text section:
    <form action=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr&#8221; method=”post” target=”_top”><img alt=”” src=”https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif&#8221; width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ />


    Please help! Thank you.

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  • Switching between the visual and text editors strips out code. Best to avoid doing that.

    BTW, if you want to put that on every page, perhaps put it in a text widget in a sidebar?

    Thread Starter Lin171


    I tried pasting the code in, updating, and viewing post. No changing from text to visual before updating. Still not showing up.

    When I click edit post, code appears as
    <form action=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr&#8221; method=”post” target=”_top”>

    <img alt=”” border=”0″ src=”https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif&#8221; width=”1″ height=”1″>


    I’m not sure what you mean about text widget or sidebar? Can you explain please? I’m new to this, never had a blog before but am fundraising through a charity so I was given this blog from theirs

    The page I’m trying to put it into right now is: https://blog.workndog.org/lin/2015/03/23/how-to-donate/

    You might try editing your profile and checking the box to disable the visual editor and then put that code in.

    I have to do that sometimes when I put in code snippets.

    Thread Starter Lin171


    Thanks, I tried doing that. I went to profile and disabled visual editor. Then went to edit post, put in the code, clicked update, and clicked view post. Its still not there.

    When I click edit post, code appears as:
    <form action=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr&#8221; method=”post” target=”_top”>

    <img alt=”” border=”0″ src=”https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif&#8221; width=”1″ height=”1″>

    Hmmm.. I tried adding that code into a test post and it worked fine (save draft and preview). The code remained intact when going back to the post. You might try going into the Writing and uncheck “WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically”.

    Well, that setting makes no difference for me.

    Sounds like some plugin might be interfering with the process.

    I’m 4.1.1 version of WordPress; although, not sure if that makes any difference here.

    Thread Starter Lin171


    I’m not sure what you mean about “going into Writing” to try unchecking that.

    I actually hadn’t noticed the preview option, when I insert the code into text (I still have visual turned off) and click preview, it does not show.

    I don’t know if I have any choice over version, I don’t think so. When I looked up the version it said 3.8.5 As I said this is a fundraising blog, and its under the blog owned by the non-profit 501(c)(3) charity. I assume any changes like version being used has to be under the main blog. I don’t know anything about plugins, is that something I’m able to change within my blog?

    This is really driving me loopy. This paypal button is the last thing I need to do before making the blog live and passing it along to try and get donations, and I’m also making a fundraising video that will link to the blog for donations and more information, and its been suggested to me to go to the local media where if I did I would link back to the blog for the donations/people to follow the process…

    I’m not sure what you mean about “going into Writing” to try unchecking that.

    Oh, in the Admin area, click on Settings and then Writing. It’s the second option under formatting.

    I would recommend creating a child theme then copying page.php from the parent theme then tweak the file to have this code so it appears on all pages.

    Thread Starter Lin171


    Ok, thanks. However that box was already unchecked.

    Thread Starter Lin171


    Ok, you’ve completely lost me. Can you walk me through the steps to do what you’re saying? I don’t know how to create a theme,or any of the other things mean!

    Also, the button needs to appear in a specific place in the blog entry I’m working on right now. Once that page is finished, the button would need to appear at the bottom of each post with the instructions on how to donate and the link back to the blog post I’m working on that breaks down the different ways to donate and explains them. Will your suggestion work with this?

    I thought all these things were supposed to make websites easier ?? I kind of miss when I completely knew how to build a page out of html.

    Thread Starter Lin171


    I don’t understand what that says at all about how to create a child theme ??

    I just want html to work the way its supposed to! For the code to not be altered every time I click publish/update. Could the version be the problem? If so, can I update what version I’m using? Or would that be restricted to the blog that gave me the blog?

    Check my recent comment for the link on creating a child theme. By doing this, you can easily just put the code in one file and it’ll show up on all pages. This will hone your skills in creating pages using HTML and PHP as this will give you a greater control over the theme. ??

    Thread Starter Lin171


    I tried reading that, and I didn’t understand a single word on how to create it. Might as well have been russian lol. Could you explain how that would even solve the problem? When whats happening right now shouldn’t be happening. The code is being put in correctly, then altered when I try to publish it. How does a theme under the parent theme change that?

    I’m not looking to hone any skills in creating pages using html. I actually understand html pretty well, used to be able to build an entire site using it. The problem is the html is being changed here every time I try to publish it. So, further learning HTML doesn’t solve it when its already being entered correctly, but changed. And I honestly don’t have a whole lot of time to put into learning things. I should have gotten this blog going months ago, but haven’t had the time. I’m trying to get it going now at a time when I have even LESS time to dedicate to it, but because of too much already wasted time…. The details aren’t relevant, but suffice to say I’ve spent waaaay too much time the last 2 days already that should have been spent on some other existing concerns. All I want is for the html I enter to work. I don’t care about anything more complicated, don’t need anything more complicated. Just to figure out why my html isn’t staying html and working as html.

    If you know for sure what the problem is, and that the ONLY solution is to make this child theme, well then I guess I’ll have to decide between giving up on html or putting a ton of time into doing this. But I honestly cannot take the risk right now… And because of all I’ve got going on, my brain is pretty fried by evening and definitely NOT the time to be trying to learn something new and complicated.

    Once I get the button to work, actually display on the page, then I’ll have this (with the button) added to the bottom of all posts with the link back to the main post for more info:
    To donate, please pick the following method that works best for you!
    Quick and easy with PayPal *BUTTON DISPLAYED HERE*

    Tax Deductible donations may be made to Karl’s Kid’s Program or Quad Cities Canine Assistant Network. Write -name- in the notes section of a check or money order and:

    Address to Karls Kids Program and mail to Karls Kids Program P.O. Box 1989 Interlachen, FL 32148. Paypal donations may be sent to [email protected]

    Address to Quad Cities Canine Assistant Network and mail to QCCAN 2725 27th St Rock Island, IL 61201

    *For more information on all methods of donation, please see : https://blog.workndog.org/lin/?p=24

    Thread Starter Lin171


    I hope I don’t come off disrespectful, I’m very blunt.

    I just don’t want/need anything extra. Want the simplest answer here! If I’m going to expend a lot of energy, I want to know why and be sure its the right way to go.

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