HTML Syntax visible in Footer of Theme – FIX
ISIS theme (free version) was just updated (2017-02-25).
The theme author made the same mistake for the footer text, but this time he doubled the mistake. I will explain below with a fix.
Do the following, in the Admin area:
- Go to (side menu) Appearances – Editor.
- Find “Theme Footer (footer.php) in the right side link vertical list, click the “footer.php” link.
- In the Editor window, scroll down and find the following,
<?php?echo?esc_textarea?(?of_get_option('footer_textarea'));??> <?php echo html_entity_decode ( of_get_option('footer_textarea')); ?>
Now do the following,
- Completely remove,
Now the HTML syntax will be invisible as it is suppose to be and the text you wanted to appear will show.
What Was The Problem?
As last year, the theme author was inserting a PHP script for the footer text, which escaped any HTML syntax you inserted into the footer field of the Front Page tab of the Theme Options.That means the syntax as “<html>” etc, will appear as regular text. He did this last year and failed to fix the issue. I posted last year as well about this problem with a fix.
Now, this year, he made it worst. He inserted 2 PHP script calls for the same footer text. So, if you applied my fix from last year, it would still fix the HTML syntax escape issue, but now due to his double PHP script call, your footer text will appear twice.
My fix above resolves the HTML syntax escape issue and removes the double PHP script call.
I am not impressed with this theme author.
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