HTML5 Update – No more tables (code inside)
Firstly, great plugin ??
I’ve updated it slightly to remove the use of tables. (ver 0.2.9)
It now uses divs, <figure> and <figcaption>.
You can see the changes to kpg.class.php below. To apply the update simply replace the code in kpg.class.php with the code below.
Happy coding all. If you need any help drop me a tweet @s_moloney
<?php if ( !class_exists('KPicasaGallery') ) { class KPicasaGallery { private $username; private $showOnlyAlbums; private $cacheTimeout; private $config; public function __construct($username = null, $showOnlyAlbums) { global $kpg_config; $this->config = $kpg_config; $this->username = $username != null ? $username : $kpg_config['username']; $this->showOnlyAlbums = is_array( $showOnlyAlbums ) ? $showOnlyAlbums : array(); $this->cacheTimeout = 60 * 60 * 1; if ( !strlen( $this->username ) ) { if ( $this->checkError( new WP_Error('kpicasa_gallery-username-required', '<strong>'.__('Error', 'kpicasa_gallery').':</strong> '.__('You must go to the admin section and set your Picasa Web Album Username in the Options section.', 'kpicasa_gallery') ) ) ) { return false; } } if ( count($this->showOnlyAlbums) == 1 || (isset($_GET['album']) && strlen($_GET['album'])) ) { if ( count($this->showOnlyAlbums) == 1 ) { $tmp = explode('#', $this->showOnlyAlbums[0]); $album = $tmp[0]; $direct = true; $authKey = isset($tmp[1]) ? $tmp[1] : ''; } else { $album = $_GET['album']; $direct = false; $authKey = ''; } if ( $this->checkError( $this->displayPictures($album, $direct, $authKey) ) ) { return false; } } else { if ( $this->checkError( $this->displayAlbums() ) ) { return false; } } } private function displayAlbums() { //---------------------------------------- // Get the XML //---------------------------------------- $data = wp_cache_get('kPicasaGallery', 'kPicasaGallery'); if ( false === $data ) { $url = ''.urlencode($this->username).'?kind=album'; $data = wp_remote_get( $url, array('kind' => 'album') ); if ( is_wp_error($data) ) { return $data; } $data = $data['body']; $data = str_replace('gphoto:', 'gphoto_', $data); $data = str_replace('media:', 'media_', $data); wp_cache_set('kPicasaGallery', $data, 'kPicasaGallery', $this->cacheTimeout); } $xml = @simplexml_load_string($data); if ( $xml === false ) { return new WP_Error( 'kpicasa_gallery-invalid-response', '<strong>'.__('Error', 'kpicasa_gallery').':</strong> '.__('the communication with Picasa Web Albums didn\'t go as expected. Here\'s what Picasa Web Albums said', 'kpicasa_gallery').':<br /><br />'.$data ); } //---------------------------------------- // Prepare some variables //---------------------------------------- $page = isset($_GET['kpgp']) && intval($_GET['kpgp']) > 1 ? intval($_GET['kpgp']) : 1; // kpgp = kPicasa Gallery Page $url = get_permalink(); if ( $page > 1 ) { $url = add_query_arg('kpgp', $page, $url); } if ( $this->config['albumPerPage'] > 0 ) { $start = ($page - 1) * $this->config['albumPerPage']; $stop = $start + $this->config['albumPerPage'] - 1; } else { $start = 0; $stop = count( $xml->entry ) - 1; } // Set the class, depending on how many albums per row $class = $this->config['albumPerRow'] == 1 ? 'kpg-thumb-onePerRow' : 'kpg-thumb-multiplePerRow'; //---------------------------------------- // Loop through the albums //---------------------------------------- print '<div class="gallery-container">'; $i = -1; $j = -1; foreach( $xml->entry as $album ) { if ( count($this->showOnlyAlbums) && !in_array((string) $album->gphoto_name, $this->showOnlyAlbums) ) { continue; } if ( $this->config['showGooglePlus'] == 0 && in_array((string) $album->gphoto_name, array('ScrapbookPhotos', 'ProfilePhotos')) ) { continue; } $i++; if ($i < $start || $i > $stop) { continue; } $j++; if ( $j % $this->config['albumPerRow'] == 0 ) { $remainingWidth = 100; if ($j > 0) { print '</figure>'; } print '<figure>'; } // if last cell of the row, simply put remaining width $width = ( ($j+1) % $this->config['albumPerRow'] == 0 ) ? $remainingWidth : round( 100 / $this->config['albumPerRow'] ); $remainingWidth -= $width; print "<td width='$width%'>"; $name = (string) $album->gphoto_name; $title = wp_specialchars( (string) $album->title ); $summary = wp_specialchars( (string) $album->summary ); $location = wp_specialchars( (string) $album->gphoto_location ); $published = wp_specialchars( date($this->config['dateFormat'], strtotime( $album->published ))); // that way it keeps the timezone $nbPhotos = (string) $album->gphoto_numphotos; $albumURL = add_query_arg('album', $name, $url); $thumbURL = (string) $album->media_group->media_thumbnail['url']; $thumbW = (string) $album->media_group->media_thumbnail['width']; $thumbH = (string) $album->media_group->media_thumbnail['height']; if ( $this->config['albumThumbSize'] != null && $this->config['albumThumbSize'] != 160 ) { $thumbURL = str_replace('/s160-c/', '/s'.$this->config['albumThumbSize'].'-c/', $thumbURL); $thumbH = floor( ($this->config['albumThumbSize'] / 160) * $thumbH ); $thumbW = floor( ($this->config['albumThumbSize'] / 160) * $thumbW ); } print "<a href='$albumURL'><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='".str_replace("'", "'", $title)."' class='kpg-thumb $class' />"; print "<figcaption class='kpg-title'>$title</figcaption></a>"; if ( $this->config['albumSummary'] == true && strlen($summary) ) { print "<figcaption class='kpg-summary'>$summary</figcaption>"; } if ( $this->config['albumLocation'] == true && strlen($location) ) { print "<figcaption class='kpg-location'>$location</figcaption>"; } if ( $this->config['albumPublished'] == true ) { print "<figcaption class='kpg-published'>$published</figcaption>"; } if ( $this->config['albumNbPhoto'] == 1 ) { print '<figcaption class="kpg-nbPhotos">'.sprintf(__ngettext('%d photo', '%d photos', $nbPhotos, 'kpicasa_gallery'), $nbPhotos).'</figcaption>'; } print '</td>'; } // never leave the last row with insuficient cells if ($this->config['photoPerRow'] > 0) { while ($j % $this->config['photoPerRow'] > 0) { print '<td> </td>'; $j++; } } print '</tr>'; print '</div>'; print '<br style="clear: both;" />'; //---------------------------------------- // Paginator //---------------------------------------- $nbItems = count($this->showOnlyAlbums) > 0 ? count($this->showOnlyAlbums) : $i + 1; $this->paginator( $page, 'kpgp', $this->config['albumPerPage'], $nbItems ); return true; } private function displayPictures($album, $direct = false, $authKey = '') { //---------------------------------------- // Get the XML //---------------------------------------- $data = wp_cache_get('kPicasaGallery_'.$album, 'kPicasaGallery'); if ( false === $data ) { $url = ''.urlencode($this->username).'/album/'.urlencode($album).'?kind=photo'; if ( strlen($authKey) > 0 ) { $url .= '&authkey='.$authKey; } $data = wp_remote_get( $url, array('kind' => 'photo') ); if ( is_wp_error($data) ) { return $data; } $data = $data['body']; $data = str_replace('gphoto:', 'gphoto_', $data); $data = str_replace('media:', 'media_', $data); wp_cache_set('kPicasaGallery_'.$album, $data, 'kPicasaGallery', $this->cacheTimeout); } $xml = @simplexml_load_string($data); if ( $xml === false ) { return new WP_Error( 'kpicasa_gallery-invalid-response', '<strong>'.__('Error', 'kpicasa_gallery').':</strong> '.__('the communication with Picasa Web Albums didn\'t go as expected. Here\'s what Picasa Web Albums said', 'kpicasa_gallery').':<br /><br />'.$data ); } //---------------------------------------- // Display "back" link //---------------------------------------- if ( !$direct ) { $backURL = remove_query_arg('album'); $backURL = remove_query_arg('kpap', $backURL); print "<div id='kpg-backLink'><a href='$backURL'> ".__('Back to album list', 'kpicasa_gallery').'</a></div>'; } //---------------------------------------- // Display album information //---------------------------------------- $albumTitle = wp_specialchars( (string) $xml->title ); $albumSummary = wp_specialchars( (string) $xml->subtitle ); $albumLocation = wp_specialchars( (string) $xml->gphoto_location ); //$albumPublished = wp_specialchars( date($this->config['dateFormat'], strtotime( $xml->published ))); // that way it keeps the timezone $albumNbPhotos = (string) $xml->gphoto_numphotos; $albumSlideshow = (string) $xml->link[2]['href']; print '<div id="kpg-album-description">'; print "<div id='kpg-title'>$albumTitle</div>"; if ( $this->config['albumSummary'] == true && strlen($albumSummary) ) { print "<div id='kpg-summary'>$albumSummary</div>"; } if ( $this->config['albumLocation'] == true && strlen($albumLocation) ) { print "<div id='kpg-location'>$albumLocation</div>"; } if ( $this->config['albumPublished'] == true ) { //print "<div id='kpg-published'>$albumPublished</div>"; } if ( $this->config['albumNbPhoto'] == 1 ) { print '<div id="kpg-nbPhotos">'.sprintf(__ngettext('%d photo', '%d photos', $albumNbPhotos, 'kpicasa_gallery'), $albumNbPhotos).'</div>'; } if ( $this->config['albumSlideshow'] == 1 ) { print "<div id='kpg-slideshow'><a href='$albumSlideshow'>".__('Slideshow', 'kpicasa_gallery')."</a></div>"; } print '</div>'; //---------------------------------------- // Prepare some variables //---------------------------------------- $page = isset($_GET['kpap']) && intval($_GET['kpap']) > 1 ? intval($_GET['kpap']) : 1; // kpap = kPicasa Album Page if ( $this->config['photoPerPage'] > 0 ) { $start = ($page - 1) * $this->config['photoPerPage']; $stop = $start + $this->config['photoPerPage'] - 1; } else { $start = 0; $stop = count( $xml->entry ) - 1; } //---------------------------------------- // Loop through the pictures //---------------------------------------- print '<div class="gallery-sub-pictures-container" id="kpg-pictures">'; $i = -1; $j = -1; foreach( $xml->entry as $photo ) { $i++; if ($i < $start || $i > $stop) { continue; } $j++; if ($j % $this->config['photoPerRow'] == 0) { $remainingWidth = 100; if ($j > 0) { print '</figure>'; } print '<figure>'; } // if last cell, simply put remaining width $width = ( ($j+1) % $this->config['photoPerRow'] == 0 ) ? $remainingWidth : round( 100 / $this->config['photoPerRow'] ); $remainingWidth -= $width; print "<td width='$width%'>"; $isVideo = (string) $photo->media_group->media_content[1]['medium'] == 'video' ? true : false; $summary = wp_specialchars( (string) $photo->summary ); $thumbURL = (string) $photo->media_group->media_thumbnail[1]['url']; $thumbW = (string) $photo->media_group->media_thumbnail[1]['width']; $thumbH = (string) $photo->media_group->media_thumbnail[1]['height']; if ( $this->config['photoThumbSize'] != null && $this->config['photoThumbSize'] != 144 ) { $thumbURL = str_replace('/s144/', '/s'.$this->config['photoThumbSize'].'/', $thumbURL); $thumbH = floor( ($this->config['photoThumbSize'] / 144) * $thumbH ); $thumbW = floor( ($this->config['photoThumbSize'] / 144) * $thumbW ); } if ( $isVideo == true ) { $fullURL = (string) $photo->media_group->media_content[1]['url']; $fullURL = ''.urlencode($fullURL).'&autoplay=yes'; $videoWidth = (string) $photo->media_group->media_content[0]['width']; $videoHeight = (string) $photo->media_group->media_content[0]['height']; if ( in_array($this->config['picEngine'], array('thickbox', 'shadowbox', 'fancybox')) ) { if ( in_array($this->config['picEngine'], array('thickbox', 'fancybox')) ) { print '<div id="kpicasa_gallery_video_'.$i.'" style="width: '.$videoWidth.'px; height: '.$videoHeight.'px; display: none;">'."\n"; print ' <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="'.$videoWidth.'" height="'.$videoHeight.'" id="kpg_'.$i.'">'."\n"; print ' <param name="movie" value="'.$fullURL.'" />'."\n"; if ( strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') === false ) { print ' <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="'.$fullURL.'" width="'.$videoWidth.'" height="'.$videoHeight.'">'."\n"; } print ' <a href="">'."\n"; print ' <img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />'."\n"; print ' </a>'."\n"; if ( strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') === false ) { print ' </object>'."\n"; } print ' </object>'."\n"; print '</div>'."\n"; if ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'shadowbox' ) { // foo=bar because of a Thickbox bug: $fullURL = "#TB_inline?foo=bar&width=$videoWidth&height=".(5 + $videoHeight)."&inlineId=kpicasa_gallery_video_$i"; $markup = "class='thickbox' rel='kpicasa_gallery'"; } elseif ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'fancybox' ) { $fullURL = "#kpicasa_gallery_video_$i"; $markup = "class='fancybox-kpicasa_gallery' rel='kpicasa_gallery' id='kpicasa_gallery_video_link_$i'"; } } elseif ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'shadowbox' ) { $markup = "rel='shadowbox[kpicasa_gallery];height=$videoHeight;width=$videoWidth'"; } if ( strlen($summary) ) { print "<a href='$fullURL' title='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."' $markup><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."' class='kpg-thumb' /></a>"; print "<figcaption class='kpg-summary'>$summary</figcaption>"; } else { print "<a href='$fullURL' $markup><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='' class='kpg-thumb' /></a>"; } } else { $fullURL = (string) $photo->link[1]['href']; if ( strlen($summary) ) { print "<a href='$fullURL' title='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."' target='_blank'><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."' class='kpg-thumb' /></a>"; print "<figcaption class='kpg-summary'>$summary</figcaption>"; } else { print "<a href='$fullURL' target='_blank'><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='' class='kpg-thumb' /></a>"; } } } else { $fullURL = (string) $photo->media_group->media_thumbnail[1]['url']; if ( $this->config['photoSize'] != null ) { $fullURL = str_replace('/s144/', '/s'.$this->config['photoSize'].'/', $fullURL); } else { $fullURL = str_replace('/s144/', '/s800/', $fullURL); } if ( in_array($this->config['picEngine'], array('lightbox', 'slimbox2', 'thickbox', 'shadowbox', 'fancybox')) ) { if ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'lightbox' ) { $markup = "rel='lightbox[kpicasa_gallery]'"; } elseif ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'slimbox2' ) { $markup = "rel='lightbox-kpicasa_gallery'"; } elseif ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'thickbox' ) { $markup = "class='thickbox' rel='kpicasa_gallery'"; } elseif ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'shadowbox' ) { $markup = "rel='shadowbox[kpicasa_gallery]'"; } elseif ( $this->config['picEngine'] == 'fancybox' ) { $markup = "class='fancybox-kpicasa_gallery' rel='kpicasa_gallery'"; } if ( strlen($summary) ) { print "<a href='$fullURL' title='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."' $markup><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."' class='kpg-thumb' />"; print "<figcaption class='kpg-summary'>$summary</figcaption></a></figure><figure>"; } else { print "<a href='$fullURL' $markup><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='' class='kpg-thumb' /></a>"; } } else { if ( strlen($summary) ) { print "<a href='$fullURL' title='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."'><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='".str_replace("'", "'", $summary)."' class='kpg-thumb' />"; print "<figcaption class='kpg-summary'>$summary</figcaption></a></figure><figure>"; } else { print "<a href='$fullURL'><img src='$thumbURL' height='$thumbH' width='$thumbW' alt='' class='kpg-thumb' /></a>"; } } } print '</td>'; } // never leave the last row with insuficient cells if ($this->config['photoPerRow'] > 0) { while ($j % $this->config['photoPerRow'] > 0) { print '<td> </td>'; $j++; } } print '</div>'; print '</table>'; print '<br style="clear: both;" />'; //---------------------------------------- // Paginator //---------------------------------------- $extraArgs = array('album' => $album); if (isset($_GET['kpgp']) && intval($_GET['kpgp']) > 1) { $extraArgs['kpgp'] = intval($_GET['kpgp']); } $this->paginator( $page, 'kpap', $this->config['photoPerPage'], count($xml->entry), $extraArgs ); return true; } private function paginator ($page, $argName, $perPage, $nbItems, $extraArgs = array()) { if ($perPage > 0) { $nbPage = ceil( $nbItems / $perPage ); if ($nbPage > 1) { $url = get_permalink(); foreach($extraArgs as $key => $value) { $url = add_query_arg($key, $value, $url); } print '<div id="kpg-paginator">'.__('Page', 'kpicasa_gallery').': '; for($i = 1; $i <= $nbPage; $i++) { $pageURL = add_query_arg($argName, $i, $url); if ($i == $page) { print " <span class='kpg-on'>$i</span>"; } else { print " <a href='$pageURL'>$i</a>"; } } print '</div>'; } } } private function checkError( $error ) { if ( is_wp_error($error) ) { //wp_die( $error, 'kPicasa Gallery Error' ); foreach( $error->get_error_messages() as $message ) { print $message; } print '<br /><br />'; return true; } return false; } } } ?>
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