Wait! Spoke too soon.
For some reason it is still not working properly and now the footer is inside the content area on this page only. It did work for a little while after I deativated the plugin. Do WordPress pages have trouble with Divs?
Here is a snippet of my code:
<div class="linksBody">
<div class="linksHeader">UNTITLED RESOURCES</div>
<div id="showPrep">
<strong>Show Prep:</strong>
<a href="https://untitlednashville.org/volunteer.htm">UNTITLED's Volunteer Guide (and chair task lists)</a>
<a href="https://untitlednashville.org/pages/venues.htm">UNTITLED's Venue Needs</a>
<a href="https://docs.google.com/Doc?id=df2gv8xt_212f7cms4cp">UNTITLED's Artist Need to Know Form</a>
<a href="https://untitlednashville.org/readytohang.htm">UNTITLED's Ready to Hang Guide</a>
<div id="forPrinting">
<strong>For Printing:</strong>
<a href="https://untitlednashville.org/pages/logotype.htm">UNTITLED's LOGOTYPE</a>
<a href="https://www.untitlednashville.org/poster.htm">UNTITLED's Poster Design Guidelines</a>
Is this correct? Or should I go about this another way?