• Resolved lwinkler


    i got wordpress installed, up and running. then i quite cavalierly decided to change my theme. found a theme, uploaded that as well and choose in the admin to switch themes- then nothing. the blog is completely blank and google chrome was kind enough to display this erroe:HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): saying that either the server is down or is not configured correctly- but that can’t be the case can it? im running WP off of my own website and that is running fine. is it possible that in uploading my new theme i inadvertently misconfigured my server??

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  • Thread Starter lwinkler


    used some brilliant know how from the post below..

    Wait. What did you do lwinkler? I think I’m having a similar problem (different error message about my server being down). Needing help! Thanks and glad you got yours working again!!

    Thread Starter lwinkler


    like i said above i added wordpress to my own website- i took the advise from this post:


    i uploaded the wp-admin folder and i was magically able to log into the admin and my blog was once again visible. THOUGH…i really want to start work on changing the theme, but that is what seemed to start my problem to begin with. I’m just glad to have it displaying again!

    best of luck!!

    Thanks. I couldn’t tell which post was “below” since every time someone comments on a post, it moves that post to the top (reordering everything). I’ll mess around with this idea, but I’m so not qualified for this. Total newbie…

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