• Hi everyone. I read several topics but i couldnt find a solution for what i am facing. The story is this: When i am trying to upload ANY file from my PC (or any PC i tried from my domain and work), i get an HTTP ERROR, while when ANYONE sends me a file via skype, email etc, then i get to download it immediately!

    I tried many things, like uninstalling latest programs, restarting, malware/spyware/virus search, but nothing! What i am getting is that the files from my PC may include a source code or something and then i get an http error (or not?) , while the files from other computers from friends,partners, are “clean” and can be transfered without any problem.

    I tried also to disable any shields, antivirus etc,several browsers, still nothing.. it shouldnt be a network problem though, because as said, i CAN upload files, but only the ones originated from others and not my pc! Weird ????

    I would appreciate your comments and help to this one.

    ps. i am running windows 7 ultimate

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  • This is commonly caused by an over-aggressive configuration of your server’s mod_security module. Try asking your hosts about it.

    Thread Starter cybsoul


    I already asked! Still we can,t find something unsusual because as explained, when i get a file, lets say a photo from another person via email/skype etch, then i can upload it without any problem. So if was a server’s problem, i would be able to upload it at all right?

    I’m sorry but as this appears to be specific your your PC, it’s obviously not a WordPress problem. That means it is either something on your host’s server that is blocking you or it’s a problem on your PC. either way – not WordPress.

    Thread Starter cybsoul


    Do you have an idea why i get then the HTTP error? I excluded the PC problem by testing the same procedures to other pc’s in my office. I had the same outcome from the others as well. I am really out of ideas, that why i decided to repost a similar problem with uploading. My files are rejected, others files are accepted and uploaded.. i am stuck! ??

    Do you have an idea why i get then the HTTP error?

    As I explained above, that is usually because your hosts are blocking you for some reason. Not WordPress.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    When you say “ANY file”, let’s be more specific than that and break it down to particular files.

    What if you try to upload, say, a small text file? Does that work?

    Examine the files that cause the failure. What do they have in common? Are they all images? Are they all really high-resolution images? Do smaller sized images work?

    Find out what is in common with the problem files, then we can provide better help.

    Note that yes, there is a known problem with extremely large images. Big resolution images need more memory to process. Possibly more than your server has to work with. It’s not about the file size with images, it’s about the dimensions of the image.

    @otto: Wouldn’t large images trigger a php memory error rather than an http error?

    I’m getting this error too with images specifically. However, it’s not JUST from a PC, it’s from ANY computer. ALL of my contributors are having this problem and it’s a constant source of aggravation for reviewers and columnist trying to get their articles up in a timely manner.

    Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes I resize images and it’s fine, sometimes after I get an HTTP error, I just try 2-3 more times and it winds up working. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it.

    @hellocookie: This is not your topic. Superficially, the issue may look similar but the root cause may be very different (unless you happen to be also using cybsoul’s PC).

    In order to keep any confusion to a minimum and as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    Thread Starter cybsoul


    It doesnt work in any file, either text, image etc

    I tried changing name, size, resolution but didnt work

    The problem is that i am getting the http error only from files i own in my PC, when i try to upload any file (with any format or extension) that will upload succesfully.. so its not blocking from my domain or my pc or my server.. it just “recognizes” that these files are not originated from my pc thats why it let it pass through and uploaded.. weird once again..

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Files don’t generally have any form of indicator of what PC they originated on, and WordPress definitely does not care what PC they were created on.

    Basically, you’re seeing a correlation that doesn’t actually exist. You need to look for something more real, something which makes sense.

    @esmi: Large images would cause an out of memory error, which would halt the process, leading to an http error message in the uploader.

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