• I keep getting the Error message HTTP Error come up when I try to upload images. Sometimes they will upload if I resize them but this only works occasionally. It might take one image of a certain size and then kick out the next one even though it is the same size. I am at a loss as to what to do.

    I have already been in touch with the host any they can’t find a problem and say it is a wordpress issue.

    Can anyone help?

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  • I have had this problem for the last 24 hours. I originally thought it was an issue with a plugin, but after deleting all plugins, it ended up being something to do with WordPress.

    I tried all the options offered on the forums with no luck. I tried completely deleting the wordpress site then deploying it fresh as V4.5.2. Same problem.

    The only thing I could do to fix this was to download V4.4 and restore the folders and files over the top of V4.5.2. Once I did this, it was back to working fine. Now my plugins that werent working are now Ok too.

    Got a link to the wordpress downgrade process?

    Moderator t-p


    Downgrading is not a good idea.

    Instead, consider upgrading to the latest WP 4.5.2

    I seem to have the same problem and none of the fixes works for me (upload fails, “try again later”). My site is hosted by german hoster strato and their support have not heard of the problem. GD seems to be installed on their systems and memory is sufficient (128MB). Do the suggested fixes work at once or do I have to do something? I did not have any issues with 4.5.1, problem started with the auto update to 4.5.2.

    Okay since none of the above suggestions worked, I set my memory limit to a huge number (512mb) for WordPress and each php process on the server side.


    It seems whatever changes they have made to v4.5 turned Imagick into a memory hog?

    Moderator t-p



    If the troubleshooting already posted made no difference for you, then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

    I am sure it is a server issue for me as in the end not to loose time I added a new domain+package+wp-one-click with same host (to be merged later) )and no problem at all the new hosting/sever package – thank you all, now I have something to go back to the host with as the new site/new db/new wp on “old” server still does not upload.

    (fyi the host Strato who normally is very good) – They have heard of the issue since I was talking to support for hours earlier in the week.


    I seem to have the same problem and none of the fixes works for me (upload fails, “try again later”). My site is hosted by german hoster strato and their support have not heard of the problem. GD seems to be installed on their systems and memory is sufficient (128MB). Do the suggested fixes work at once or do I have to do something? I did not have any issues with 4.5.1, problem started with the auto update to 4.5.2.

    Don’t know if it has been mentioned here before:
    Try deactivating the “ServerSide Security” Spam Filter (text in German, but the article is pictured). Seems it does the trick for quite a few people. Whether this makes sense with a WordPress installation that uses a forum or comment forms is a different question. Still worth a try, I guess.

    Anyone for whom .htaccess methods did’t work.
    Go to your theme directory first take backup of your functions.php file and then add this code

    add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘change_graphic_lib’ );

    function change_graphic_lib($array) {
    return array( ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’, ‘WP_Image_Editor_Imagick’ );

    Hopefully this will resolve your HTTP Error.

    thanks lxxiii this worked for me

    Yes, the .htaccess in public_html.

    Try putting it at the very first line, before # BEGIN WordPress. The # means a comment, and is ignored, so that shouldn’t matter.

    This adjusts your server environment BEFORE WordPress even starts. It depends on how the server is configured, and if it allows Imagick variables to be set this way. It’s not a guaranteed fix.

    I have not tried the functions.php file fix. You run the risk of that file being over-written if you update a theme. My theme provider has another method for updating your WordPress PHP variables:

    Install and activate the GeneratePress Simple PHP plugin. Find the Download Simple PHP link at GeneratePress.com.
    Once activated, go to “Appearance > Simple PHP” and you’ll be directed to a file where you can add your custom PHP.
    Enter this code into Simple PHP:

    add_filter( ‘wp_image_editors’, ‘change_graphic_lib’ );

    function change_graphic_lib($array) {
    return array( ‘WP_Image_Editor_GD’, ‘WP_Image_Editor_Imagick’ );

    This changes WordPress from Imagick to GD for image processing. Your server may or may not include GD, and the GD configuration may or may not work for WordPress. The only way to find out is to try one fix; if it doesn’t work, UNDO that, then try the other fix.

    If it STILL doesn’t work, then we (as a WordPress community) need to keep working to find another viable solution.

    I tried all above methods to no avail. GD is installed on my server.

    I have a multisite install and the images fail at crunching time, only the original image gets uploaded, none of the thumbnails.

    Only the main file gets uploaded, none of the thumbnails are created.

    On the subdomain blogs the images get uploaded and handled as expected with no error.

    Note: I fixed it by deactivating the following plugin:

    Image Rotation Fixer by Mert Yazicioglu

    What I’m trying to say if you have any plugin activated that manipulates images in anyway try deactivating them first if none of the above work.

    Thank you all, especially Ahir Hemant and natalieg925. I tried what you suggested AND updated to wordpress 4.5.2. However, I am STILL unable to upload photos on my blog and get the HTTP error. I am hosted by Dreamhost if that’s significant. link to the site is https://www.svGoldenGlow.com Any further ideas? Thank you!

    Update everyone. If you have a plug-in called EWW Image Optimizer, deactivate it. that was our problem (Dreamhost solved it).
    Good luck to all

    step one on page one seemed to have worked for me.

    As this originally referred to a previous version of WordPress, this tread will be closed.

    There is also bad advice given here. Never add to your themes functions. With every upgrade you will have to do it again. Use a child theme to make changes.

    Lastly, if you have a problem in WordPress, please per the forum welcome, start your own thread. https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Forum_Welcome

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