• For some reason after all my blog entries there is a HUGE gap. I’ve checked my code for extra < p ></ p > and <br> tags but couldn’t find any. I also went though my entries and deleted any extra spaces I could find but nothing changed.
    ^You can go there to see what I’m talking about.
    It’s probably something small but I’ve been coding for hours and I’m getting fusterated. Thanks in advance if anybody feels like helping out ??

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  • For one, you are using tables to display posts?? And this might be a significant reason”
    <div class="post" style="left:5px; top:345px; position:absolute">

    Thread Starter megs


    I haven’t coded in forever and I didn’t know tables would mess things up. I was just trying to change the way the default template looked.

    Yeah, start by losing the tables before you get a rash of derisive comments here ??

    Thread Starter megs


    What would you suggest I use instead of tables?


    CSS would do it without any huge issues …
    but then it’s your site, and if you like it, and know how to alter it, then you could always make a transition to CSS a future goal ??

    Thread Starter megs


    ok thanks. Sorry if I came off as dumb. I just haven’t learned the correct way to code things yet.

    there was a period of time where tables were used as THE way to create layout in designs and so people don’t know any different. Tables are *intended* for data, like ms excel.
    There has been a fight, quiet at first, now quickly gaining strength for CSS. This is meant to separate design from content. Everything you can do with a table, you can do 5 times better with CSS … and there are things that you CANT do with tables that you can with CSS. The way WP is setup, it’s really not practical to use tables. If you are barely familiar with CSS or simply dont want to mess with it you can find styles that work with WP out of the box here: https://www.alexking.org/index.php?content=software/wordpress/styles.php
    There is also a plethora of CSS resources on the web (do a google search), and one book i highly reccommend is Eric Myers’ “CSS, The Definitive Guide” … its a great teaching aide for beginners and wonderful reference for those that know they know it, but just cant seem to remember what that syntax is or what it does. (https://www.oreilly.com/catalog/css2/)

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