Hi Zsolt,
Thanks for contacting us. We understand what you’re saying, but as you’ve noticed, the date format settings do not affect the way the dates are “expressed” in the “Human Readable” layout of the search form widget.
As the name of the layout suggests, that’s the standard (ISO) way of representing a date as a string. However, if you would like to format the date-string representation in a different way, there’s no need to “hack” this onto the source code, you can simply override the widget’s layout file by cloning its original template file default.php and by editing that source code.
This way, by installing a future update you will not lose your modifications. Overrides are important for this reason.
We have a technical documentation available on our website that explains in the details how to locate and clone a template file of a View (shortcode) or a Widget. We invite you to read that documentation, but the file you want to clone and override is the following:
By copying that file default.php onto the override directory, you will be able to work on an override-copy of the file without touching the core file source code.
In this case, the override directory will be the following (please always refer to our updated technical documentation for the exact directories):
If the above file existed, VikBooking would read your override template file rather than the original source file.
P.S. the override template file should be then selected from the “Layout” parameter of the widget in order for it to be able to use it properly.
We hope this helps!
Best regards,
The VikWP Team