Hi @macadk
I hope you’re well today!
Hummingbird doesn’t include any features that are supposed to cause any redirects so that would have to be some sort of a “side effect” of, most likely, some kind of a conflict.
But it requires more troubleshooting to identify it. Please try following steps:
1. First, enable WordPress debugging with logging to the file
To do this, add following lines to the “wp-config.php” file of the site, right above the “/* That’s all, stop editing */” line:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
2. Then if there’s any server-side cache, clear it
3. And enable Hummingbird again; I understand that the issue happens on front-end mostly and you are still able to operate within wp-admin area right?
If so, first go to “Hummingbird -> Dashboard” page and click on “Clear cache” there, make sure that all checkboxes are checked in popup that shows up then and clear all caches.
4. Then disable Page Cache in Hummingbird if it was enabled
5. and then disable Asset Optimization.
If none of those errors/redirects is happening, try enabling Asset Optimization again but make sure to re-check files (it should check them once you enable option back but if it doesn’t, click on “re-check files” button.
If after that redirects/errors are still not happening, try enabling Page Cache again.
If the issues are back, disable Hummingbird so you could use the site but regardless of whether they back or not please, after completing above steps, check /wp-content/ folder on your server for the file named “debug.log”. If it’s there, download it please and share with.
To do so, simply upload it to your Google Drive, Dropbox or similar account and post direct link to it in your response.
Note: you may want to take a look inside that file first to make sure that there are no any sensitive information such as e.g. some e-mail addresses or passwords or API keys included; usually there are not but it’s better to make sure.
Hopefully results of that test together with a look into issues logged by WordPress in debug.log file will help us diagnose the problem so we could get it solve.
Best regards,