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  • Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for your post, and sorry for the trouble.

    At this time, the only possibilities are to type in the HTML code manually, or to use the “Insert Link” button below the table input fields. that will ask you for the link URL and link text and then generate that HTML code for you.

    If you only want to linkify URLs (with the URL as the link text), you could also use the TablePress Extension from


    Thread Starter cableghost


    Actually, that ‘Insert Link’ button will do just fine. Pardon I had not completely understood those options…thanks!

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    no problem, you are very welcome! ?? Good to hear that this helped!

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!


    I maintain contact file with email, cell phonein an Excel file and periodically refresh TablePress with updated contact file

    Using WPTouch plugin, when on the smart phome, lookup up contact and touch the contacts Text field and it fires the Messages App to a new or existing message

    Before I do the import I run a Excell Macro that wraps email and cell phone with HTML code as follows:

    Code to Loop through ExcelSheet with HTML Concatenation

    Public Sub Mailto()
    LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For I = 3 To LastRow
        Cells(I, 6).Value = "<a href=" & Chr(34) & "mailto: " & Cells(I, 4).Value & Chr(34) & ">" & Cells(I, 4).Value & "</a>"
        Cells(I, 7).Value = "<a href=" & Chr(34) & "sms: " & Cells(I, 5).Value & Chr(34) & ">Text</a>"
    Next I
    End Sub

    Excel 2007

    I have a 1000 item Contact List that contains name, email, cell, etc

    Using a macro that loops through the sheet and will take the Email in

    Column D [email protected]

    And concatenate [email protected] around the email so the result looks as follows in

    Column F [email protected]

    Also, cell phone in:

    Column E 401-754-8797

    And concatenate Text around the cell so the result looks as follows in

    Column G Text


    Check out on smart phone:

    1st & 2nd table

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    very nice! Thanks for sharing this Excel macro! That’s a very elegant solution to quickly adjust table data. Hopefully that will be helpful to others.

    Best wishes,

    Hi, I wanted to add the Automatic URL Conversion Extension, but when I search plugins it doesn’t come up. I downloaded it from the page about it, but I’m unclear how to get it into WordPress.

    It downloaded as TablePress Automatic URL Conversion, so I searched for that among Plugins… nothing comes up.

    I thought you’d like to know.

    It sounds like something that would be VERY useful.


    Hi, this is a TablePress Extension works like a WordPress plugin, but not in the Plugins database. You could unzip the file you download and upload the folder to your server in /wp-content/plugins/ dir. Then, you should see it in the plugins page in your WordPress Dashboard. After that, just activate it and it will work.

    Check out

    Automatic URL conversion

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    thanks for your question, and sorry for the trouble.

    Yes, as Haoxian mentioned, this Extension is not listed in the WordPress Plugin Directory (as it is just an Extension for TablePress). So, you’ll need to download it from the Extension’s page (as you already did), you’ll need to install it either manually, as Haoxian describes it, or go to “Plugins” -> “Add new” -> “Upload”. There, you would upload the ZIP file that you downloaded. Then, go to the “Plugins” screen and activate the new Extension, called “TablePress Extension: Automatic URL conversion”.
    Then, just add the Shortcode parameter, as described on the page.




    Thanks for this thread ?? It helped me with a project for my local sports club – the idea was to maintain an Excel file of fixtures, whereby a match report (if written) was linked to each fixture, but they were generally by different authors.

    However, not every match/fixture had a report so although I was able to use JGravesNBS macro, I had to modify it as otherwise it would generate HTML output for every single row. So what it does now (or should) is to skip to the next row if Column F is empty.

    I have included the modified macro below the column structure for reference purposes, where ** are the hidden data columns:

    Column A: Date
    Column B: Home Team
    Column C: Score
    Column D: Score
    Column E: Away Team
    ** Column F: Match Report (URL)
    ** Column G: Match Report (Author)
    Column I: Match Report

    Public Sub HTML()
    LastRow = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For I = 2 To LastRow
        If Cells(I, 6).Value <> "" Then
            Cells(I, 8).Value = "<a href=" & Chr(34) & Cells(I, 6).Value & Chr(34) & ">By " & Cells(I, 7).Value & "</a>"
        End If
    Next I
    End Sub

    All I needed to do then was to setup the table in TablePress to hide ** columns F and G from the public and from now on, the person who maintains the site just needs to export as csv and import to replace the table each time.

    Hope this helps someone else ?? Thanks again to the peeps before for their contribution.

    p/s: I thought about using Automatic URL Conversion, but space is a premium so long post urls alas would not have worked for this setup.
    p/s2: I will probably do a full write up on my site at some point with a demo as I also used the Row Filtering extension. Tobias rocks ??

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    wow, that’s great! Good to hear that this was helpful and that you could use and extend the macro approach for your plans!
    Also, thanks for sharing those modifications!

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!

    This is in response to, JGravesNBS. Thank you so much for your contribution. I’ve just used your excel macro and it works like a charm. This should save me a lot of time and effort. I do appreciate your sharing. If there’s ever anything I can do for you….
    Thanks, again!
    [email protected]

    Plugin Author Tobias B?thge



    yes, JGravesNBS’s macro code is really great! Glad that it’s that useful! ??

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!

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