On the PHP version.
No, WordFence does not require higher than the PHP5 version.
A minimum version requirement is what you get, if something (like WordFence or WordPress) uses functionality that was never developed in PHP of lower versions. Like written in code that earlier versions do not support. Like when they started supporting Classes, or when Namespaces was introduced. If some code uses Namespaces, then obviously it cannot run on a PHP version so old, that it does not know what a Namespace is. Hence a “minimum version” requirement. ??
In either case, it is NEVER valid for a PHP interpreter to crash. It can return errors, if it does not support a function of if your code it is interpreting has bugs, but is should NEVER, EVER crash. NEVER.. When the PHP interpreter out-right crashes, you have by definition found a bug in the PHP interpreter itself.
But PHP is not a single entity.. It is the PHP interpreter plus a long list of PHP modules of varying qualities, each of which are enabled or disabled for various reasons, made by different people, and can crash for each their own buggy reasons.. Supporting Phar archives, MB strings, various conversions modules, …, …..
Do a PHP info (run PHP -info, call phpinfo(), or you can call it by just clicking the “Click to view your system’s configuration in a new window” link at the bottom of WordFence Diagnostics page. See all the PHP modules you have enabled.
So, many PHP5 versions work just fine, IF you have the right modules installed, and that particular versions is not buggy. ??
Similarly for all PHP 7. PHP 7.0.22 does not work, PHP 7.1.8/9 does.
but But if one of the PHP versions fail, like in your case, time to try moving up. ??
You should open a new issue with your failing scans issue.
This particular forum topic has already been marked as “Resolved”, and scanning is a separate thing.