• Resolved pupilla



    I updated THE EVENT CALENDER to the newst version after the last wordpress update because it screwed up my single event template. I used 2.x as long as it was possible because I prefered the old meta for my purpose.

    Since the update my blog search isn’t working any more. Event often used terms deliver no solution. There is no error or any other message like “nothing found” – only an empty space below the search term.

    When I googled for the problem there was a hint that it might be THE EVENT CALENDER Plugin so I deactivated it and YES, all results has been shown as usual.

    What can I do to make my search work again properly?


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  • Barry


    Hi pupilla,

    Can you confirm if search works properly when all other plugins are deactivated and you have only a default, unmodified theme running?


    Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    It’s been a month, so in accordance with our forum guidelines I’m shutting this thread. Thanks for your support!

    Thread Starter pupilla


    Thank you for your help. When I deactivated and reactivated all other plugins it worked well in deed.

    Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Glad to hear it pupilla! If you have a minute or two, we would love it if you left us a review. Thank you for your support!


    Thread Starter pupilla


    Hi, I thought it might be interesting to share that I found the exact cause for the error. It seems THE EVENTS CALENDER and SUBHEADING (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/subheading/) Plugin have a problem with each other. Not by default – it’s only when the option “Allow search to find matches based on subheading values.” is activated. I receive search results when this one option is NOT active or when it is but EVENTS CALENDER is deactivated.

    Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Thanks for the report pupilla, we appreciate it. I’m sorry the two aren’t working together- hopefully they can be more compatible in the future.


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