I can not get published automatically
I can not get published automatically. Can you help me?It only works when I press on the desktop of the WordPress “Run Postie” button.
Do I have to run Setcronjob.com adding services?
At what php file I call from my domain to Postie run?
Postie Version: 1.5.18WordPres Version: 3.5.1
PHP Version: 5.3.16
OS: Linux web284.start.ha.ovh.net 3.10.11-mutu-grs-ipv6-64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 24 18:07:54 CEST 2013 x86_64
Debug mode: On
Time: 2014-02-18 15:41:07 GMT
Error log:
Postie is in /homez.322/carpinteec/www/ozoticweb/wp-content/plugins/postie
Cron: On
Alternate Cron: Off
iconv: installed
imap: installed
mbstring: installed
wp_content_path: /homez.322/carpinteec/www/ozoticweb/wp-content
Connecting to pop3.carpinteriabarriosxxi.es:110 (pop3)
message count: 2
There are 2 messages to process
memory at start of e-mail processing:30813200
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