• wbell5


    When I try to activate my plugins, I get the following message: Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]:Wrong datatype for second argument in /home6/bellplac/public_html.wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 268. If I try to activate 1,2,3…plugins, I get the following message for each activation:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information-header already sent by (output started at /home6…/plugin.php:268) in /homet/…/pluggable.php on line 850. It appears that there is an endless loop so I am currently not able to activate any plugins. I am using 2.7.1 so I am not certain if this is a bug.

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  • MichaelH


    I’m having the same problem – in 2.8, the error is on line 310 in plugin.php, but it’s the same line as 268 in 2.7.1.

    The FAQ mentioned doesn’t help in the slightest. Line 310 is ” if ( !in_array($plugin, $current) ) {” – not the beginning/ending lines of the file, and the first error is a datatype error – the headers error lead off from this.

    Changing the line to “if ( !in_array($plugin, (array)$current) ) {” stops the errors, and gives a “Plugin activated” success message but the plugins aren’t actually activated.

    The versions of PHP and MySQL that I’m using are more recent than the WordPress requirements.

    Does anyone have any solution for this?

    I have exactly the same issue.. did you find a solution !?

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