Hi mario8,
Awesome! I’m glad I was able to help you out with this. ??
Regarding your internet connection: Do you mean the internet connection at your home? I’m not talking about your mobile connection. How do you connect your desktop/laptop computer to the internet normally? Do you use a service provider like Comcast/Xfinity, DirectTV (which also has internet service)? Reason I’m asking is that since we were able to nail down that it is indeed an issue with your internet connection within your home, you are going to have to connect whomever provides you with internet service. Since I don’t know where you are located I can’t give you any advice on services. For example, Comcast is the internet provider I use. I have my desktop/laptop connected through a secure wifi connection.
Before spending a lot of money getting a new internet service, my best advice I can give you at this time is for you to get in touch with someone in support at your service provider and find out if they can look into your problem.
Let me know if I can help you further.