My website (sbranch.org) is fully functional except that I cannot edit any page. I can log into wp-admin. When I click on ‘all pages’, I get a 101 error from chrome (Error 101 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET): The connection was reset.). I get a similar error from internet explorer (Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage). Firefox reports an that the connection was reset. I have removed all plugins except akismet. If I deactivate akismet I see the same problem. I have tried most or all of the alternate themes and that does not resolve the issue. I have flushed my browser cache. I have reinstalled wordpress manually and that does not help. I have tried using another computer on my network – same problem. I am able to edit my other wordpress 3.5.1 website from these computers without a problem. I have tried adding various lines to wp-config.php that I saw as suggestions on your forum. That did not help so I have restored my original file). Godaddy confirms that there is not a server problem and that my only recourse is to seek help from wordpress. I have not checked all 5000+ pages, but I have tried to edit several of them by clicking on ‘edit this’ after going to a page, and I have not found any page that I am able to access for editing without encountering the abovementioned timeout error. I have occasionally seen other chrome errors (maybe error 103?)
When I first noticed the problem, it seemed that I could edit my main page, but not other pages. On one occasion a few days ago I managed to get to a list of pages from sbranch.org/wordpress/wp-admin but could not edit them. I was able to send one (expendable) page to trash. I suppose I would have been able to continue to remove additional pages at will, but not edit them. I do not know how I managed to get past the error on that occasion.
Thank you for considering my plight.