@estudi33 For pro or commercial product support please contact the author directly on their site. This includes any pre-sales topics as well.
As the author is aware, commercial products are not supported in these forums. I am sure they will have no problem supporting you there.
@symptote I have removed your reply and flagged your account temporarily. That just means that your post will need to be approved and @ notifications from you will not work.
When someone asks about the “pro” version please reply along these lines.
Hi! Can you instead post on the site you purchased the “pro” version? I’d like to reply to you there because I am aware that supporting my customers in the www.ads-software.com forums will get me into real trouble there. That could include having my plugin removed from the www.ads-software.com repository.
Or something like that.
If you need to contact the moderators about this then you can do so via the Slack #forums channel.
To use that channel you need a Slack account. You can obtain one via these instructions.