Hello @hollywoodmuttlover,
please make sure, that your page is connected and you are able to post manually to your page using blog2social. You can see comments about your posting status in “blog2Social->post&sharing->notifications”. If you experience issues when posting to blog2social you should see possible reasons in this section.
Please make sure, that you granted all permissions needed to post to your page, when connecting your fb page with blog2social. Altering the permissions when connecting a page may lead to issues.
Please have a look at the granted permissions and check, if you have granted blog2social the right to post to your page.
To review the business integration you’ve connected to your Facebook account:
Log into Facebook and click in the top right of Facebook.
Click Settings.
Click Business Integrations on the left side.
Filter between Active or Removed at the top, or search for a specific business integration using the search bar to the right.
Click View and Edit next to the business integration to control the info it has access to. Adjust your settings by checking the boxes next to your information or using the dropdown menus, and then click Save.
Best regards