• Resolved OFS



    For months now I’ve been seeing flashing error notices when I am doing work in the editor on posts. I can’t even tell exactly when it happens, it’s either creating a new post or updating or publishing. When the post page is loading or is finished.

    It flashes for like 3 secs, so I can’t even take a SS, but here’s the error in the top admin bar https://imgur.com/kmkUD4x

    Please fix.


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  • Plugin Author JS Morisset


    Yeah, you definitely need to fix those. Are you unable to provide a logo image URL for the organization? Is that field disabled or something? Is the logo image URL not saving?

    If that post/page does not have a featured image, or a featured image that is large enough, then that’s definitely a problem and will affect your search ranking. If you have selected a featured image, there should have been other warnings about image(s) being too small and how to resolve the issue (by providing a larger image in the Document SSO metabox, enabling upscaling, etc.). See here for more information on how WPSSO finds and selects images: https://wpsso.com/docs/plugins/wpsso/faqs/how-does-wpsso-find-detect-select-images/


    Thread Starter OFS


    I have featured images in almost all of my posts, the logo I don’t care that much about, but you didn’t address the fact that there’s a bug & they keep flashing every time I do something with a post covering everything up that I’m doing & distracting me & my work.


    Plugin Author JS Morisset


    There should not be any notifications, so there should not be any “flashing” of notifications. You may not care about the organization logo, but Google certainly does.

    Assuming the featured image is large enough – ie. more than 1200px in width and height – then WPSSO Core will use it and there should not be any notifications about a missing image (as WPSSO Core will be able to use the image). If the image is too small, then WPSSO Core will not be able to use it and will let you know. There should be several suggestions to provide a better image in the first notification message, but that message is dismissable and you must have dismissed it (as it is not showing in the screenshot you provided).

    Is your featured image larger than 1200x1200px? If not, then see here why you should not upload small image to the WP library: https://wpsso.com/docs/plugins/wpsso/faqs/why-shouldnt-i-upload-small-images-to-the-media-library/. You can also select a larger image in the Document SSO metabox when editing a post/page.

    Note that the SSO > Advanced Settings > Plugin Settings > Integration > Image Dimension Checks option is now unchecked in the WPSSO Core Standard version, so smaller image may be included in your markup (and thus not show a notification about missing images), but social and search engine validation tools may give an error if the image used for that markup as being too small (ie. less than 1200px). 1200x1200px really is the smallest image that should be uploaded to the WP media library – a 1200x1200px image only fills a 600x600px container for most devices (as most devices now have high resolution screens that have twice the pixel density).


    Thread Starter OFS


    The issue isn’t whether there is something wrong, it’s that you shouldn’t be distracting me while I’m working.

    I don’t care if the height of an image isn’t exactly what goolag wants, & it should be my choice as to whether I address something or not & then I would just click on that button at the top & read them.

    I shouldn’t have to see constant flashing of notices which is literally only 2-3 secs so you can’t even read anything anyway.

    And you must have changed things b/c this only started happening like 4-5 months ago if memory serves.

    Please stop it from flashing.


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