I discovered a bug
I discovered that Woo Cart Abandonment Recovery has a conflict with this plugin, namely that the wca recovery want to send to a cart page, saved in a specific state in which the customer has abandoned it, like this : /checkout?wcf_ac_token=d2NmX3Nlc3Npb25faWQ9ZjIyNjNkN2ZjODRkZGY5YWVkYTkwZWY5YzQ0YjJhZTc%3D&utm_source=wca_recover
however, WC Kalkulator gets in the way and throws the error “Bad request (3)!”.
I found out it was this plugin, by grepping through all the php files in the wordpress directory, and I’ve found this in ./wp-content/plugins/wc-kalkulator/src/Woocommerce/Product.php: wp_die(‘Bad request (3)!’); on line 308.
So this is not exactly a support request – more like landing a hand to my fellow developer here, maybe there’s an issue with presuming the cart will always be as this code expects it to be:if ($fieldset->has_expression()) {
I hope this will help the developer make this otherwise great plugin work with WCA recovery as well.
LE: I dumped the $fieldset just before that line in a file, to check if the object does have an “expression” field, which it does, and it’s an array, so maybe the issue is how that has_expression() function handles how the declaration of whether it should be false or true, is handled.
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