• Forbidden
    You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/options.php on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    It always look like that, when I wanna change the ‘Reading Options.’ I wanna change the ‘Blog pages… Show at most: %posts/dates,’ but unfortunately it won’t let me ._.

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  • I am having same problem… doing more looking in the forums to see if anyone else has posted a fix under another post…

    I tried changing chmod on the folder and file to 777 with no luck (answers I found on other threads)..

    now looking for more answers…

    hmmm…. found this one:

    gonna try it..
    tried that htaccess add / fix – still not working for me..
    more forum searching I guess…

    strange thing is this…
    All I am trying to do is take the standard 5 posts showing and make it 10 posts btw… when I click update options it brings up that 403 forbidden thing…

    BUT.. if I type in the url for wp-admin/options.php I can access that page just fine.. so what is really going on?

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