• Hello guys .
    I have some questions about wordpress.

    I know that most of wordpress website get hacked every day because they have a problem . This problem is called wp-config.php
    Trust me i know what im talking .

    Now this problem it push me to make some questions :
    1. If i like to change the name of the config file without destroying my wp_blog , can I do it and how ?? I just want to rename it .
    2.I also want to rename wp-login.php and wp-admin
    3.If this is not possible i want something else . I want to block reset password in wp-login.php .

    Can someone give me answers . Thanks for reading this post . take care .

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  • I really do think the WP devs take security seriously.

    So I’m sure they would appreciate knowing if you can actually demonstrate gaining access to the wp-config

    Anonymous User


    To other guys . Im ready to make a video tutorial on hacking a wordpress website in 2-4 minutes. Tell me if you want to see it so i will record it and publish it on youtube or somewhere else .

    If you think you can do this then send an email to [email protected] as already suggested. they will give it the attention it deserves, and if a reply is necessary then you will hear back from them fairly quickly.

    Moderator cubecolour


    If you want an extra level of security because you are concerned that your wp-config.php contains your database password and is in the public_html directory of the web server, just move it up a level so it is outside the public_html: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Hardening_WordPress#Securing_wp-config.php

    If your WP is in a subdirectory of public_html, so moving it up a level will mean it is still within public_html, you can protect it by adding

    <files wp-config.php>
    order allow,deny
    deny from all

    to your .htaccess file

    Thread Starter mario4


    @sharecommons I m doing it manually . I dont need tools .

    @rich ‘elfin’ Pedley its ok dude i know

    @cubecolour : thanks dude , I allready have done that .

    I have something else about the video . I will create it but i dont wanna get in trouble for that . ITs just for educational purpose .

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin


    Here you go. Here’s a link to my wp-config.php file:

    Go ahead. Hack your way in.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    It’s not wp-config.php

    Secure File Permissions Matter

    Seriously. IF you can hack someone’s site, it’s because their server is insecure. No matter how many precautions you take, if the barn door is open, the horse will done get stole.

    Thread Starter mario4


    Otto your wish will become true… really soon .

    ipstenu : I know and i agree , but i want to do all my best to protect my stuff .

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Then secure the ever loving snot out of your server and follow the standard, accepted, proven-to-be-reliable, file permission settings for your files (be they WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or MovableType). But crying wolf like you are is bad form and causes more harm than good.

    If you really care about WordPress, you don’t do this screaming at the clouds business. You email the security people, as many have told you. Tell [email protected] exactly what steps should be taken to hack into a site. I promise, they care.

    You’re not helping anyone, claiming to be able to hack into any WP site like this.

    This thread is going nowhere. mario4, I think you have all the answers you need, as well as some site URLs that have been offered to you.

    As has been pointed out, if you wish to improve WordPress, mail the security email address with your exploit details.

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