That is usually related to images not showing up correctly, have you tried looking into these recommendations?
WP-CONFIG: Check to make sure your wp-config.php file is correct. See the wp-config.php codex for a complete rundown.
UPDATE: Be sure your using the latest version of the plugin and WordPress.
WP TROUBLESHOOT: Check the WordPress Troublshoot Codex
CHECK THEME: Change to a new theme really quick to make sure the theme and plugin are not having a conflict. This usually isn’t the case but it is a good sanity check.
VALIDATE PLUGINS: Try to disable all other plugins temporarily and see if the issue persists. If it gets fixed then you will have to manually enable each plugin till you see where the plugin conflict may be occurring, you can do this at install time from Step 2.
CHECK BROWSER: Open another web browser and see if the white screen still shows. If not then it may be a browser cache issue. You can usually fix this by holding down ctrl+F5 or manually deleting your browser cache.
CACHE PLUGINS: Clear all your cache plugins. Sometimes they can cause issues, do this before you create your package.
PERMISSIONS: Check the permissions on plugins files. Directories should be 755 and files should be 644. Also validate the group/owner is the same as other plugins that work.
LOGS: Check the php error logs and the duplicator logs and see if there are any clues…
Hope that helps!