Hi bilimokur.
Thanks for letting us know about your issue. If looks like your theme is escaping HTML in excerpts which causes the code for the share buttons to show up like that.
This plugin doesn’t have a way to turn off that HTML on excerpts, but the Smart Layers by AddThis plugin does, if you’d like to give that a try. Within that plugin, the Advanced Settings page has a set of checkboxes for excerpt filters. If you uncheck all of them, that code should stop appearing on your excerpts. If you want to be able to add share buttons above and below excerpts, you can experiment with the different excerpt options one at a time. Some of those excerpt filters may run after you theme has finished escaping the HTML, depending on how they’re doing it.
There is a remote possibility that unchecking all the excerpt filters still work remove that escaped HTML. Some themes do things so drastically outside the standard ways that we can’t work around them.