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  • It’s really hard to say exactly what is wrong but I can tell you that your wp-config file which consists of your db name and password are easily viewed. Did you use the 1 and 1 one click installer? Or did you install manually?

    Since you just installed it, I would suggest uninstalling it and start over. Like I said keep in mind that your database name, host, and PW are easily viewable right now so I would start from scratch ??

    First things first..

    Take what you have now, inclduing the database, and delete everything. I’m not kidding.

    When I go to your site and look at the “real” WordPres website I can see your entire wp-config.php file in the source code. That means that anyone that’s done the same now has your database connection details, and can pretty use those to try to hack into your installation. Oh, and those chinese characters have been added to the end of your wp-config.php file, which normally means that the site has already been hacked.

    As for why it’s happening, there’s some problems with the file types on your server. The HTML fiel is being served as plain text, and the PHP fiel is being served as HTML and not being processed through the PHP processor. You really need to talk to your hosting company about this and get them to sort it out as it’s 100% a server issue.

    – HTML documents are being rendered correctly. You should remove that OpenOffice generated index.html file (as well as the default holding page file) from your root directory.

    You can verify an HTML page render here if you like

    – You’ve also left all of your wp-config.php ‘Authentication Unique Keys and Salts’ blank.

    There is no accounting for the Chinese (and it does indeed appear to be Chinese). The presence of a closing ?> tag and the addition of the Chinese at the bottom of the file suggest it was intentionally placed there. A default wp-config.php file does not have or require a closing php tag. The file has been edited, and the Chinese placed there intentionally at some point.

    I agree with @keith Driscoll. Change your database password, remove all of your WordPress files and re-run a clean installation routine using WordPress files you downloaded from here, and transferred to your site yourself using an ftp client – after properly configuring your wp-config.php file.

    Then make sure your site is configured to serve index.php files by default, and that a php handler has been properly configured for your website. Your host will have documents to help you with that, or you can contact your support group for assistance.

    ..aaand I type slower than molasses. Haha!! Yep’ What those guys said..


    Thread Starter trece


    Thanks everyone!

    I think I will try with the new installation (I already tried yesterday, as I just had installed, using Filezilla), but I did not installed or deleted the database, only the worpress files to the server.

    I have a /logs file at the root directory that wqas there before installing WP. Should I delete it?

    Thread Starter trece


    Ok! here is what I have done!

    1. I downloaded again the zip of wordpress files. Also deleted the databank and created a new one, changed also password
    2. Updated my WP-Config file with the datenbank infos (I left the !localhost! entry like this, instead to change to the hostname that I got from 1and1) filled in the Authentication Unique Keys and Salts’ I got.
    3. Uploaded the files to my server using Filezilla
    4. Changed also .htaccess file with following lines:
    Topline: DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm
    downbelow Addtype x-mapp-php6 .php
    AddHandler x-mapp-php6.php
    5. Uploaded modified .htaccess to root directory where wp is installed
    6. tried and I only see part of my AUTHS und BLANKS.

    I must say that yesterday at the first installation I was already on my dashboard, but I couldn′t see the default theme in my site…

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thread Starter trece


    .htaccess is asking for password authentification when in root folder, if I delete it then you see AUTHS and BLANKS…I am going mad!

    You mentioned in your first post that you are hosted on They have a 1 click installer. Why aren’t you using that? It will avoid all these issues you are having. There is nothing wrong with installing manually (I do it all the time) but I would suggest using the 1 click installer until you become more familiar with WordPress.


    @felixjk007: It is considered impolite to interrupt another poster’s ongoing thread unless you are posting a solution or suggestion. It causes significant problems for the forum’s volunteers and prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Please post your own topic.


    don’t worry about it

    I forgot what the forums are like for a moment there.

    won’t happen again

    Thread Starter trece


    Thanks Keith! ok, I will try the one-click thing from 1und1…maybe is easier…wanted to learn a bit. But I am wasting so much time with the installation already. I got it yesterday, I don′t know what when wrong! anyways…

    That’s cool! Nothing wrong with learning about WordPress, servers, and web development ??

    Follow this guide to learn how to install

    try this too

    and have fun! There is plenty to tinker with ??

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