• Resolved getterdonegurus


    I had to edit the requests.php file… I had to add the folder / directory name for it to begin working

    here is what my code looks like

    require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mtmomma1/wp-blog-header.php');
    global $mngl_options, $wpdb, $board_post_id, $author_id, $owner_id, $mngl_friend, $mngl_user, $mngl_app_helper, $mngl_board_post, $mngl_app_helper, $mngl_board_comment, $current_user, $mngl_boards_controller;
    	require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mtmomma1/wp-content/plugins/mingle/classes/models/MnglBoardPost.php');
    	require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mtmomma1/wp-content/plugins/mingle/classes/models/MnglUser.php');
    	require_once ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mtmomma1/wp-content/plugins/mingle/classes/helpers/MnglAppHelper.php');
    	require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/mtmomma1/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );

    it only works for logged in users
    you can go to https://mtmomma.com
    Username: guest
    Password: guest123

    to test it out


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  • Yes it would depend on whether your wp installation is root, subfolder, or however you may have it setup. I will add that information to the readme file. Thanks for pointing that out!!

    Thread Starter getterdonegurus


    Thanks, I just updated mingle & the live feed I have got it working but after a loads the first time it fails to reload the live feed and it tries to open the webpage in the live feed box rather than loading the new feeds, It takes about 30 seconds for that to happen.

    Not sure anyone else has had this happen.

    Thread Starter getterdonegurus


    well The issue corrected itself I un-installed mingle all together re-installed it & all seams well with the world ?? I like the new layout as well!

    Thread Starter getterdonegurus


    Just wondering if there is a way to have our live feeds post to twitter or other social platforms like myspace or facebook?

    We would love to feature this Plugin in our ‘world-reaching’ blog;

    However, I get this error:

    require_once(C:/xampp/htdocs/wpmu/wp-content/plugins/mingle/classes/models/MnglBoardPost.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\wpmu\wp-content\plugins\mingle-live-status-feed\requests.php on line 4

    The folder ‘mingle’ and its contents were not in the package zip folder… am I missing something?

    Ok… you have to download the mingle plugin too

    Yep mingle itself must be active in order for the Live Feed to work. There are new additions as well as new mingle addon plugins available at https://icomnow.com

    This is my test site that I use to build and test new features, all are welcome to join and give their ideas and suggestions,

    this plugin does not load no matter how its installed, front end, ftp etc, there seems to be no admin edit panel, and every page on developers blog is incorrectly routed or 404 errors! does not inspire confidence, imho its useless

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  • The topic ‘I got the mingle-live-status-feed working on my site’ is closed to new replies.