• nostawft


    I installed the del.icio.us widget and the Google Search widget tonight, and successfully activated both of them…

    I am using the default 1.6 wordpress theme…

    Neither of them have shown up on my blog an hour and a half after activating them…

    Does it usually take this long for widgets to show up?…

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  • Jeremy Clark


    Did you add the widgets to your sidebar. If you look under your presentation menu then under widgets there is where you arrange your sidebar widgets. Just drag and drop the widgets where you want them.

    Thread Starter nostawft


    jeremyclark13…Thanks for the reply…Here’s what’s going on …

    When I tried to activate the Sidebar Widget, I got this error message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare register_sidebars() (previously declared in /home/discous0/public_html/blog/wp-includes/widgets.php:15) in /home/discous0/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/widgets.php on line 42

    When I go into my WP cPanel/Presentation/Widgets, as soon as I open up that page, it gives me the same error message…

    Can you tell me how to edit the code to get rid of this error message?…I see I can do it from my WP cPanel, or from my BlueHost.com cPanel…

    This error is keeping my Google Search box, and the del.icio.us widget from showing up too…I think?…

    Thanks in advance,

    Jeremy Clark


    You don’t need the sidebar widget plugin anymore deactivate and remove that.

    All the widgets I put in my pages and posts works good. The problem is with the sidebar widgets. It just shows the widgets like pages, calendar, search and meta, if I remove them, nothing shows on the sidebar. None of my widgets I activated shows.
    Design .. Widgets works fine and you can move the widgets around, edit and save the changes, no errors appear.

    I have this in functions.php:

    if ( function_exists('register_sidebar') )

    Here is the sidebar php:

    <div id="sidebar">
    <?php if ( !function_exists(’dynamic_sidebar’)
    || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
    		<h2><?php _e('Search'); ?></h2>
    		<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/searchform.php'); ?>
    	<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>' . __('Pages') . '</h2>' ); ?>
    		<h2><?php _e('Archives'); ?></h2>
    			<?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>
    		<h2><?php _e('Categories'); ?></h2>
    			<?php wp_list_cats(); ?>
    		<h2><?php _e('Calendar'); ?></h2>
    		<div class="text">
    			<?php get_calendar(1); ?>
    	<?php get_links_list(); ?>
    	<?php if (function_exists('wp_theme_switcher')) { ?>
    		<h2><?php _e('Themes'); ?></h2>
    		<?php wp_theme_switcher(); ?>
    	<?php } ?>
    		<h2><?php _e('Meta'); ?></h2>
    			<?php wp_register(); ?>
    			<li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
    			<?php wp_meta(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

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