Hey –
So, this question is asked on several threads, but since this one has no answer, I’ll post my experience here.
Ran into this exact issue for one of our clients, after they upgraded to the broken version of this plugin – and finally figured out a way to restore the settings / custom field types that had already been declared… IF you have a backup of your database settings from before the bad plugin update.
So if you happen to have a database backup from before this unfortunate incident, then restore it somewhere else other than your production environment (personally, I copied the raw MySQL files for the db in question to my local machine, and added them to my local MySQL install), and do a search in your “wp_options” table for the option_name of “cctm_data”. Grab the “option_value” contents (a large JSON block) from that entry. Then go to your production environment, lookup the same value and replace the contents with the block you recovered from the backups.
And that should fix things.
Note that I believe that it shouldn’t matter how long ago your database backup was made – as long as you haven’t changed or added any custom content types / fields since that backup was created.
Hope that helps!