• Hello smart people,
    I am a student who started CS this semester.
    I have been posting what I learned every day in class, so I have had many posts since my first day in CS.
    My domain is: https://www.agilemeadow.com
    The hosting company was: AWS
    I referred to this video: https://youtu.be/YqMU7ZkL-8w

    However, I suddenly found a billing issue with AWS, so I had to delete the instance. After deleting the instance, I cannot reach out to my website or the contents I have been working on.

    Please help me with this… I am desperate losing my first devlog is the last thing that I want to do, but no one around me can help this.

    Looking forward to a good news,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey!

    your website files and database were stored on the instance that you had deleted, and if there are no websites files – There is no website.

    I’m not sure if your AWS service included backups, but you should double-check, maybe contact their support and have them check if they don’t have a backup of your instance still saved.

    Or if you have a website backup saved, you will need to host it on a new server and point your domain to the new host.

    Thread Starter agilemeadow


    I didn’t have a backup.
    If AWS doesn’t have any backup service, then do you think there is no way to recover?
    I already deleted the instance, so I don’t know if I recover this.. I am still waiting for their response.

    Unless you have saved the Files/Database on your local device, or can obtain a backup from AWS, all your data is unrecoverable.

    A website is just files and database(s), both of which were deleted when you terminated your AWS instance.

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