• Hello
    I’m starting with WP-btter-security, i’m french … And when i install the plugin i change my admin name. So after that i can’t connect with mywebsite/wp-admin. So i remove it from FTP. And i re-instal it. But When i want congfig my new wp security my, i click on advanced > admin user and plug in say lme : “It looks like you have already removed the admin user. No further action is necessary.” So how can i change t, or find it to connect on my dashboard with mywebsite/wp-admin-newname


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  • The first time you used the iTSec plugin Advanced > Admin User feature it made permanent changes in your database.

    Manually removing the iTSec plugin from FTP and then reinstalling it will not undo those database changes.

    That is also why the Advanced > Admin User feature recommends to create a database backup before using it …
    Only restoring a database backup will undo the database changes …

    So after that i can’t connect with mywebsite/wp-admin.

    What error do you get displayed on screen when you attempt to login with the new user name ?

    It seems you are able to log into WP Dashboard probably with a different user name. If so, simply navigate to the Users menu option and you should see an entry of your new user name. Make sure its role is Administrator …



    If you require no further assistance with this topic please mark it as ‘resolved’.



    If you require no further assistance with this topic please mark it as ‘resolved’.

    Google translate translation:

    Si vous avez besoin d’aucune autre aide à ce sujet s’il vous pla?t marquer comme ?résolu?.


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  • The topic ‘I miss my admin user name. How can i find it or change it’ is closed to new replies.